
Wayfinder Dev Tracker

09 Nov

08 Nov


Originally posted by Avernal

See it's honest comms like this that really hit home and I appreciate. I have all the time in the world for it, we're all human and this is Airship's first foray in to the field, I was there for the beginning of Warframe and all 10yrs that have followed so I have a lot of patience when people are upfront.

I have been struggling with a lot of the Discord communications and directions/stances (I'm deliberately being vague there but it generally falls down to two individuals who I believe need communications training and/or supervision), which admittedly has meant I have not logged in to (or had interest in) Wayfinder for several weeks.

Seeing stuff like this renews my faith a bit and I'll likely hop in to check things out and get a few levels as a result. 👍

Edit for clarity: the XP boost is nice while you guys work on the longer term fixes, but what will get me back in the game was your comms.

Please DM me directly with your issues / concerns about how things are run there. It's entirely my job to focus on the player experience inside and outside the game.


Originally posted by Judgebetrolling

Imagine f**king up xp gains so much that the boost is in the 100’s. Haven’t played since launch but I might dip the toes in again

You're right, we did f*ck up, but that's what Early Access is about! We're committed to righting the wrongs and listening to players. We hope you come check it out again!

We’ve heard you loud and clear. XP progression needs a few tweaks. While we had plans to wait until a future season to introduce a few changes at once, we’re going to fast-track some of those changes today to get you leveling your Wayfinders and weapons faster! While not a complete list, here are some changes that are live today in Patch

  • Increased XP gains from all enemies by 386%. This includes mini-bosses and bosses in Expeditions and Hunts.
  • Increased XP from Expedition completion bonus by 237%.
  • Increased Reward Tower XP from all repeatable sources by 325%. This includes opening chests, breaking resource nodes, collecting memory fragments, completing events, and completing Expeditions & Hunts. *NOTE: We’ll revisit this Reward Tower increase in the future when the Job Board and has been released.*
  • Added XP multipliers to each mutator slot. 10% bonus for one imbuement – 20%...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    Foxryte on Steam - Thread - Direct
The Reaver King
It’s been a week since we launched our biggest update yet, The Reaver King! We hope that you have had a chance to jump in and unravel the mysteries of the Hollow Heart and its twisted enemies that lurk within. This update comes with four new Main Story Quests, two new Hunts, new weapons to arm yourselves with and more.

If you haven’t had a chance to sink your teeth into this new content, be sure to get all caught up on the Main Story Quests! The Reaver King will require you to complete up to the ‘Dread Legion’ Main Story Quest. Once you’ve completed Dread Legion, Graymourn will guide you on your new quest to confront these new foes.

Grab a Founder’s Pack now to instantly unlock Early Access and challenge the crown today!

... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

07 Nov


The content in the midseason update 1 and midseason update 2 have been done and in the hopper since launch. We are now fully focused on fixes and adjustments to fix fundamental issues with the game such as long loading, performance, XP etc.

06 Nov


There was a server side hotfix that we rolled out today to stop this error.


Originally posted by Relwarcs

Yes, I'm on PC. Sure! When I get home I can send you. But may I ask, what exactly should I send? Is there a "log" folder or something like that?




Sorry to hear about this. Are you on PC? if so can you send me your logs on Discord? Thanks!

05 Nov


Sorry to hear you're having issues.

What platform are you on? if PC can you send me logs? Are you constantly getting this error on the same expedition/ hunt?

03 Nov


If your friend shares their dxdiag we can have a look.

    Foxryte on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello, Wayfinders! We know nerfs are never fun, but we see these as necessary steps to achieve our goal of healthy long-term gameplay. Today we're going to be adjusting some of the current extreme outliers, along with a small improvement to Hellswarm's ability.

In the near future, we'll be further developing the identity and feel of each rifle sub-type, improve underperforming weapons, and improve the viability of choosing Defensive Stats & Ability Power in builds.

  • Reduced weapon ability scaling of Arcbeam by 17%.
  • Arcbeam is no longer affected by the bonus Weapon Power from active reload.
  • Reduced weapon ability Bulletstorm damage by 25%
  • Bulletstorm no longer builds Eagle Eye meter and cannot spawn an Eagle Eye target.
  • Removed the ability to fire while Bulletstorm is firing.
  • ...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

02 Nov


Were these supposed to fix this issue I'm seeing on windows? it didn't seem to :(

I have a 7900 XTX https://imgur.com/a/X15i7ik

01 Nov


Originally posted by nemesisunk

No. Constant disconnects. It's not enjoyable at all. I adore the game, but the fact this one simple thing still hasn't been fixed just makes me not wanna play

Hey there. I’m sorry to hear that you’re having constant disconnects. I would love for you to send me a DM either here or on discord along with your logs so that we could take a look to see what might be going on. At launch we absolutely had tons of server issues and stability problems, but since then we have made great efforts to strengthen the servers and you should not be getting constant disconnects.

31 Oct


Originally posted by greasybirdfeeder

I was turned off by the paid exclusive character that had better stats. It was the only character I wanted to play and I wasn't gonna drop almost 200 to get the stat advantage. So I simply didn't download and play the game and I'm sure I'm not the only person who felt that way. That probably didn't hurt the game as much as other things but I was looking forward to the game and was totally turned off by that decision.

And all I heard from the community was "didn't you ever play warframe?". Nope and I never will if they give paid advantages.

Sorry you feel this way. Heroic Kyros is the exception and not the rule; a thank you to fans who purchased a founder's pack at $200 and believe in the vision of Wayfinder.

All additional Heroic Wayfinders added to the game will be earnable for free and by simply playing.