Yes, luck takes a big part in getting it, but allow me to disagree to "isn't that difficult to achieve".
It's extremely difficult, and even one per several thousand battles is quite good.
Well done, sir!
Yes, luck takes a big part in getting it, but allow me to disagree to "isn't that difficult to achieve".
It's extremely difficult, and even one per several thousand battles is quite good.
Well done, sir!
Ark Royal has a twist - her bombers and torpedo bombers are older than on others T6 carrier - they have hit points and they are slower to their classmates, which is compensated for by the large size of the squadrons and their quicker recovery.
Her bombs also have less penetration, but there are more of them.
So, while she has some notable UK CV features like proper ellipse sizes and level-bombing, going though the line would give you better feel for higher tiered CV.
Also, Kaga, T8 premium, has similar twist - worse planes, but more, much more of them. But of course she's deifferent from Ark Royal - Japanese attack planes have different attach pattern, and other nations use dive bombing instead of level bombing.
Also, IJN researcheable CV's are currently the only ones available using armor penetrating bombs. (They work essentially like AP shells hitting from above and can citadel heavily armored ships)
Os submarinos estão ainda em teste Beta e tudo o que você vai experimentar é preliminar e está sujeito a alterações.
Como temos muitos jogadores que desejam ingressar no teste, queremos garantir que o servidor de teste tenha variedade. Para conseguir isso, distribuiremos o primeiro lote de convites entre uma fatia aleatória de jogadores. Novos convites vão ser enviados durante o teste, a fim de tornar o Teste Beta acessível a todos os jogadores que desejam participar. Não se preocupe, se você não entrou nessa primeira leva. Vamos enviar mais convites para que ao longo desse teste!
Nesta fase, convidamos você a verificar e avaliar o conceito atual do jogo, tanto jogando com e também contra os submarinos. Durante o teste, você pode encontrar bugs, alguns dos quais podem interromper o jogo ou causar frustração.
Portanto, em primeiro lugar, pedimos um pouco de paciência e compreensão e, em segundo lugar, nos dê o ...
Read more¡Atención, Comandantes!
Te recordamos que los submarinos están en prueba beta, y todo lo que verás es preliminar y puede cambiar.
Debido a la enorme cantidad de jugadores que quieren unirse a la prueba, queremos asegurarnos de que el servidor esté cargado de forma pareja. Para lograrlo, vamos a repartir la primera tanda de invitaciones a una porción aleatoria de jugadores. Enviaremos más invitaciones durante la prueba beta para que puedan acceder a ella todos los jugadores que deseen participar. No te preocupes si no estás en la primera ronda de participantes de la prueba beta. ¡A medida que avance la prueba, enviaremos montones de invitaciones para que todos los jugadores que quieran unirse a la prueba beta lo puedan hacer algún momento!
En esta etapa, te invitamos para que observes y evalúes los conceptos actuales del juego tanto a favor como en contra de los submarinos. Durante la prueba, es posible que encuentres errores, y algun...
Ahoy Fleet!
We remind you that the submarines are currently in Beta testing and everything you will see is preliminary and subject to change.
As the pool of players who want to join the test is pretty large, we want to ensure that the test server is loaded evenly. To achieve that, we're going to distribute the first batch of invitations among a random slice of players. New invitations will be sent out during the test so as to make the Beta Test accessible to all players who wish to participate. Don’t worry If you don't find yourself in the first wave of Beta Test participants. As the test goes on, we'll be sending out more and more invitations so that every player who wishes to can eventually join the Beta Test!
At this stage we invite you to check and evaluate the current concept of the game both in and against submarines. During testing, you may encounter bugs, some of which could disrupt play or cause frustration.
Read moreThank you. We're aware that Azur lane sound still have some problems, and this should be fixed in the next big update.
Stell Division II is now also being distributed through WGC.
There are several codes in circulation right now, so, maybe.
If you've seen only one - you can look for more, though.
Spoilers ahead:
Hi there, we just checked and yeah you should have received 30 camos, we will issue 10 more in no time. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Commanders! On September 19th, Update will be released to correct issues with sounds in the game.
Due to the installation of the Update, the server will be unavailable from 3:00 AM PT / 6:00 AM ET to 4:00 AM PT / 7:00 AM ET.
Sound changes
With update 0.8.8 we improved most of the sound environment in the game. Unfortunately, not everything went smoothly, and with the change a few bugs crept in. In we will fix these sound bugs so that you can enjoy the roar of the guns again.
List of fixes:
Fixed an error that caused the message about the destruction of a ship to be repeated if a unique commander is assigned to the player's ship;
Fixed a bug that caused incorrect functioning of the sound settings.
Fixed an error that caused the engine start sound to playback after closing the tactical map;
If you do not see the TST Region, then you just need to relaunch the WGC to be able to select the client.
You need to close the WGC from the task bar completely, as such: