World of Warships

World of Warships Dev Tracker

03 Jun



While we can understand why this situation may be frustrating. since Match Making is random, there is currently not a way to include this request.



Thanks for coming out and joining everyone and enjoying the afternoon!

Sorry I couldn't be there myself, prior engagements.

Hopefully we'll see you at another even soon!


    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Refer a Friend system is currently unavailable for maintenance to apply an update. While there is no current ETA, we anticipate this maintenance will be completed tomorrow and will provide you an update as it becomes available.


Ahoy Kunra_1,

Can you reach out to the Support team and provide the following information:

Run a check and repair from the Game Settings menu

Go to the "?" menu and create a WG Check report

Save the screenshots you provided here

Provide this information to the Support team (

They should be able to work with you with the provided information to isolate the root cause.


    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Swingman,

Please try and re-log into the client and see if that fixes it. If not, run a check and repair on your client from the WGC.

Let us know if this fixes it.


    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey War182,

As other captains have said the Cleveland has many good things going for it just not a heal. Some specific ships at tier VIII have a heal but it is not a common consumable at the tier. There are some things you can do while you play the Cleveland that can help mitigate not having a heal. First off you have to play the Cleveland correctly, you have a lot of utility if you learn to use it correctly. The Cleveland is not a ship you should be brawling with, it is a light cruiser that is best suited for the support role. You can get into the fray once then enemy team is worn down a bit, but if you are the first one in and the focus you will sunk quickly.

Tips for the Cleveland:

Take advantage of her high arcs and use islands as "armor". This is a tactic that can be used by most USN cruisers regardless of tier/type.

Be a good teammate and what I mean by that is use your radar and AA to help teammates that ...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Warlock_75075,

The Colbert is currently in testing. You will find community contributors and supertesters playing it on the live server. Please check out the Developer's Corner for all future information about ships in testing.


Thank you everyone who participated in Remember the 'Mericans!

Congratz to our randomly drawn major prize winners:




Congratz to the following participants who will receive 5 x Stars 'n Stripes Camos (these will be credited within the next few days)

Make sure you check out this weeks forum contest, available:

    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey folks, just as a reminder our testing process is vital to World of Warships and balancing various features and ships. For those of you unaware however, here is how our process works:

Internal Testing - This is where the Development team tests things that are very early in development and before player testing becomes necessary.

Super Test - This is early testing done by members of our community which focuses on both short term and long term upcoming content. We gather feedback/data and make changes where needed before pushing changes relevant to the next update to Public Test.

Public Test - This is a Test server available to everyone for public testing. While many times information (statistics or descriptions) are already available from Community Contributors, Dev Blogs, etc... many times stats have changed by the time things make it to PT. This is where players and our staff spend a good portion of our time playing...

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Captains, devido à manutenção, reiniciaremos o servidor em 03/06/2019, 15:00 UTC.

Jogadores no porto serão enviados para outras instâncias do servidor e jogadores em batalha esperarão a batalha terminar.


    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Zaydin,

A few questions to begin with:

What ship were you playing or you saying this in general?

You mention you can see them shooting in smoke, what preventive measures did you take to disengage yourself?

The Kitakaze and Harugumo can both be nuisances to you but you can do a few things to negate that. Firstly you can make sure you are at a range where they cannot reliably hit you and you have a chance to disengage. The Harugumo is also very vulnerable to large caliber shells (BB shells do a lot of damage). Make sure you are communicating with your teammates to torpedo their smoke or radar their smoke. You might be in a ship that is having a tough time dealing with a gunboat DD but you will have teammates that are better equipped to help you.


Capitanes, debido al mantenimiento, reiniciaremos el servidor en 03/06/2019 a las 15:00 UTC.

Los jugadores en el puerto serán enviados a otras instancias y jugadores en batallas tendrán que esperar el fin.


    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Wrongtrack58,

Honestly, you are free to play/try any line you want in the game =). Part 5 of my guide highlights nation overviews and some stand out ships of those nations. As a new player I would recommend you trying multiple lines and ship types before you decide on what line(s) you want to focus on. I would caution you though, as you move up lines ships/modules tend to get more expensive and you might find yourself spread thin on credits.

If I had to choose two lines to start with, I would still recommend the USN BBs and IJN cruisers. These are two of the oldest lines in the game but they they do a great job in teaching the basics =).

Feel free to ask more specific questions if they come up and the community will be glad to help you!


Comandantes! Na Atualização 0.8.3, alguns de vocês podem ter encontrado um problema que os impediram de receber suas merecidas recompensas (bandeiras de sinalização) por suas conquistas. Este erro já foi corrigido. Estamos cientes de que vocês se esforçaram bastante para obter suas conquistas heroicas e honradas, por isso, ficaremos felizes em informar que as bandeiras conquistadas com muito esforço serão creditadas em suas contas muito em breve.

Muito obrigado por sua compreensão.



¡Comandantes! En la Actualización 0.8.3, es posible que algunos de ustedes hayan encontrado un problema el cual evitó que recibieran sus merecidas recompensas (¡Comandantes! En la Actualización 0.8.3, es posible que algunos de ustedes hayan encontrado un problema el cual evitó que recibieran sus merecidas recompensas (banderas de señales) por sus logros. Este error ya ha sido corregido. Estamos conscientes de que pusieron mucho esfuerzo por obtener sus logros heroicos y honorables, por lo que nos complace informar que las señales obtenidas con tanto esfuerzo serán acreditadas a sus cuentas muy pronto. Muchas gracias por su comprensión.) por sus logros. Este error ya ha sido corregido. Estamos conscientes de que pusieron mucho esfuerzo por obtener sus logros heroicos y honorables, por lo que nos complace informar que las señales obtenidas con tanto esfuerzo serán acreditadas a sus cuentas muy pronto.

Muchas gracias por su comprensión.


    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey NorthStar76,

This will hopefully help you in getting your account linked on Twitch:

If you have anymore questions after looking at this graphic, please feel free to ask =).


    on News - Thread - Direct
We highlight the results of the fifth Clan Battles Season! Read more

Yep, two icons in a knownissue in this build. Thanks a lot for the feedback!

Do you have low FPS or other perfomance issues with sound problems? Or just sound one?