
Worldbox Dev Tracker

22 Dec

21 Dec

18 Dec

17 Dec

14 Dec

11 Dec

08 Dec

04 Dec

03 Dec

29 Nov


Good point. That's because when the unit dies, his equipment gets (1)either returned to the village he is from.

(2) Or taken by a new unit. So eventually (depending on how long you play in the world), special weapons would replace normal ones.

One solution could be having durability on equipment, so they would eventually turn to dust. But I think that also won't be that fun and would lose the history aspect


Good job! (for now)

26 Nov


Originally posted by Appropriate-Ball8059

I will miss the hmm under development message when clicking on the question marks besides the border settings

We'll see


I knew you would notice it, Luk. Never disappoint


Originally posted by SilverSon999

It's snowmen, the chat said so. Look at the original tweet. Master was debugging and wondered why snowmen took damage on ice, and Maxim said that it was because the ice broke and they took damage. Then, Mastef said one of the snowmen looked like a T-Rex, so he decided to post it

A bit other way around, but yeah haha