Ashes of Creation

Ashes of Creation Dev Tracker

19 Jan

Glorious Ashes of Creation Community!

Our next Development Update Livestream featuring an Alpha Two Caravan PvP Preview will be Wednesday, January 31, 2024 at 11am Pacific! (...

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17 Jan


Originally posted by chocolate420

I would love to know the answer to that too if you happen to find out.

Pre-Order packs can be upgraded. In addition, people are still able to upgrade Kickstarter and Summer Backer Packages.

To see what upgrade or add-on options you have, make sure you're logged in when looking at the Shop page here:

At some point in the future we'll end the ability to upgrade Pre-Order, Kickstarter, and Summer Backer Packages, but there's no date for this now. We’ll give plenty of notice before ending the ability for people to upgrade their packs.


Hello Geoshifter!

We aim to do our monthly development update livestreams on the last Friday of each month. Due to schedules on our end, some months this changes.

Regardless if our schedule changes, we plan to update everyone on the Friday before the last Friday of the month regarding the date and time of the next livestream. In addition, we often share the topic of the livestream then too.

There are plenty of places you can follow us to get updates from our team. Here's a list of channels where we share information. When we announce the monthly livestream, and when we post replays on YouTube from each stream, in addition to these other channels, we also post here to this subreddit.

15 Jan


Yes, as long as you have a Pre-Order package, you can upgrade it later to a Pre-Order package that has access to Alpha Two. While the option to upgrade Pre-Order won't be available forever, we’ll give everyone plenty of notice before ending the ability for them to upgrade their Pre-Order Packs or purchase add-on cosmetics from The Unseen Order.

If you upgrade your Pre-Order pack, you get everything that's the DIFFERENCE between the Pre-Order pack(s) you have, and what you upgrade to. For example, if you didn't have access to Alpha Two, and you upgrade to a pack that has Alpha Two, you'll get access to Alpha Two. As for cosmetics, you only get the cosmetic item TYPES that you didn't previously have. If you upgrade, it will not give you the cosmetic items of the same type (Accessory, Pet, Mount, etc.) that came with the previous pack you purchased. Only the additional cosmetic items from the upgrade to The Unseen Order Pre-Order Pack will be granted.

If you have other...

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11 Jan


Alpha Two is coming in Q3 2024!

While we have not announced specific dates or schedules for Alpha Two, you can find out more about our testing plans here:

25 Dec


Now you’re gonna get me in trouble!

20 Dec

19 Dec


You're tripping

08 Dec

Glorious Ashes of Creation Community!

Our next Development Update Livestream featuring an Alpha Two Ranger Archetype Preview will be Tuesday, December 19, 2023 at 11am Pacific! (...

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Dear Concerned Future Citizen,

We've also seen a lot of other MMOs launch without plans for this in place, and understand how awful it feels when the economy is ruined by botting, cheating, exploiting, and RMT. For Ashes of Creation we know we need a plan to address this on day one.

Prioritizing things like security, having active and present GMs in-game, and having other systems in place to identify things like this and take swift action is important to us. To learn more about what we’ve said on this topic, check out the wiki here: ...

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01 Dec

17 Nov

Glorious Ashes of Creation Community!

Our next Development Update Livestream featuring an Alpha Two Artisanship Preview will be Thursday, November 30, 2023 at 11am Pacific! (...

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15 Nov

If you missed the fun, watch our 24-hour Extra Life Livestream recap supporting Extra Life and Rady Children's Hospital!

THANK YOU to everyone who donated, tuned in, and helped raise over $...

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03 Nov


Originally posted by Ananasvaras

How do those affect the gameplay? Stats/skills/Augments or what do they provide?

Backgrounds are similar to "racials" in other games.

Instead of the race you choose giving certain benefits, players will select a "background." We want players to have the freedom to choose the race they want to play because they're excited about it, and avoid situations where players feel forced to play a specific race because of gameplay benefits.

We spoke about this during the February 2023 Development Update. Timestamp to where that conversation begins.

02 Nov


Welcome to Reddit! Where opinions clash, memes thrive and trolls roam. Be careful out there! ❤️

01 Nov


Originally posted by Otherwise-Fun-7784

What's the point of showcasing a primarily PvP-oriented system without heavily focusing on and explaining the PvP part in detail? No one really cares about this fluff in a forced PvP game, the fluff is just there to provide a venue for PKing (and people who care about it definitely aren't your target audience since they don't want forced PvP).

What people need to see is what they will experience in the actual game (so either being able to run caravans 24/7 because they're in the freefarm guild and no one dares to attack them, or not being able to run them because they're not in the freefarm guild so they're being ganked 24/7). If you have a third option that somehow solves this issue that existed in every single sandbox PvP game so far, why didn't you just explain it?

This just looks like gameplay on an opt-in PvP server, which you already said you won't have, so who are you trying to attract with this misrepresentation of the system and why?

One of our goals of these Development Updates is getting feedback on specific systems. This month we want feedback on Caravans, and connected systems like Glint and Commodities.

We felt that bringing PvP into today's stream would have dominated the conversation, and taken away from what we're looking to discuss with players. There will definitely be a time to talk PvP in the future, but that wasn't what our focus was for this update. ⚔


You can gather materials and carry them back to a Node, where you can do things like sell them or put them in other storage you have.

Caravans are a different way to transport materials. You can learn more about Caravans in the October 2023 Development Update livestream, and in the wiki here.

31 Oct

👀 Did you miss the latest livestream showing our Caravan System Preview?

💬 Let us know what you think in the comments!

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Originally posted by Homely_Bonfire

When we look at what Steven and some of the developers have said about presentations especially during livestreams, it seems they have decided to go dark on things where there is nothing new to report or in their opinion "not enough".

Regarding the current state of the project I'd think that the reason we haven't heard much of the Tulnar is because development on them is currently not progressing much, the reason being that Intrepid is aiming at making the Alpha 2 version ready. This could mean that their won't be any Tulnar to play when A2 launches, that the Tulnar are not yet in a presentable state for a reveal (I'd expect to get news on them during the update on the character editor) or that the other topics on the list to cover take priority over presenting the Tulnar due to Alpha 2 drawing near.

But as of now, I'd say the risk of the Tulnar being deleted from the storyline is below 5% - Steven has been very protective of the lore elements in his world and the ...

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Nicely said friend!