Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker



Originally posted by Vreya

It would actually be 3.0 sorry my ocd made me type this.

Technically 4.0


Originally posted by Ghidoran

Anyone know if this update will come with new encounters?

I've been kind of disappointed that they keep adding new champs to play as, but not new enemies to fight.

He said on twitter that the update won't have new adventures or modes but they will be working on new adventure content once constellations are out.

15 May


Originally posted by Regular-Poet-3657

So by on a path to growth are we still getting exclusive lor champs and another expansion next year?

Exclusive / original LoR champs - yes, some are already waiting in the wings.

Expansion - as noted before, we don't have any plans for future expansions that look like Dreamlit Paths, but we will be continually releasing new champions and support cards on a regular basis. They will be designed for the Path of Champions, but some may make their way into PvP if we feel it's safe enough. Our current belief is that such cases would be the exception, and not the norm - want to set appropriate expectations.


Originally posted by Cryotivity

while i have your attention is co-op PoC somrthing you guys have thought of? I'd love to play it with my girlfriend.

We have prototypes! But there's a lot of validation that still needs to happen to make us feel confident about it and building the full experience for it.


Hi folks, I’m here to talk about the LoR Button!

I know some people have had questions about why the LoR button now, and I wanted to give a little insight. I can’t speak to why the button wasn’t in Riot client in the early days, but we landed on this day for three reasons:

  1. We wanted to do it shortly after the release of Dreamlit Paths since that would give new players an interesting and active PvP experience.
  2. The League client had a big emphasis on Mid-Season Invitational (“MSI”) right after our release, so we waited until the League client could give us more of the spotlight.
  3. We wanted to time it so that it’s close to our Constellations release, which is coming next week, to give new players an exciting new PvE moment soon after they start the game. 

We’re not blind to the fact that this button is coming later than we or the community would have liked, and that our PvP-focused audience has frustrations or concerns abo...

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11 May

02 May


Originally posted by Kieron_Marshall

Hi Eric,

I just want to say that it feels horrible that with the focus on Path that PvP will most likely not receive any new content for the foreseeable future. A lot of players look forward to seeing their favourite champions come into LoR and for new champions to be potentially not be accessable in the gamemode of their preference it will leave a sour taste in the mouth of many players.

When LoR was focusing on PvP, Path players didn't receive as much content as they are now but they still received the new champions with the team sometimes adding older champions to the pool of playable cards.
Now that the table has flipped with the focus to TPoC I feel like us PvP players are being told we are no longer welcome as we will not receive any new content for the foreseeable future. I understand your point that the card balance may be a problem however I would feel like as designers the team should know what makes a card strong or weak and then design the champion ...

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I understand this sentiment, I really do. But from the game development perspective, making a solid champ (or any card) for PvP takes a great deal of effort, and it has to achieve many more things. That’s why a set like Dreamlit Paths took over 12 months to design, with more resources than the current LoR team.

If the cards we make for PvE seem like they will be safe for PvP, we may release them. But the team will be designing them for PvE first and foremost - so if Teemo: Illuminated turns out to be a 3/3 elusive for 1 that gives all bandle city units triple attack, he’s not going into PvP.


We may do card balance adjustments, but not as a regular mechanism of Standard format changes. That will be rotation driven. If we believe that card balance changes are necessary for the health of the format, they would be on the table, but they generally would be reactive to emerging metagame circumstances.

We are going to let the rotation plan happen, which will start in August, and see how things go. We believe that Rotation will be very effective at making Standard fun and interesting every few months. If that doesn’t prove true, and card balance changes (mainly in the form of number changes here and there) seem like they will make a positive impact, then we may use them.

“Plans” is a strong word for new cards in PvP. We will definitely have new cards for PvE, primarily new champs and support packages for those champs.

The reason we are hesitant to commit to those cards also appearing in PvP is balance - they won’t be designed with PvP in mind, an...

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30 Apr


Originally posted by HairyKraken

I hope you know the effectiveness of this button is greatly diminished by the tutorial bug right ????


Like this is throwing money by the windows if you redirect people to this

This has already been addressed in the most recent release.


Originally posted by LordRedStone_Nr1

Yup I looked it up, there's 00DE003 in the game files and it's still 3/2. 

Either they intentionally used the stronger version for Lux Illuminated, or just got it mixed up because they have the same name. 

Maybe it's a dream of an ideal demacia, unnerfed.

29 Apr

18 Apr

09 Apr


Originally posted by FrogMusic

Will there be any other videos / articles about the future of the game around that time, too? Seems like the narrative currently is that the game won’t even get updated ever again after this last patch, when my impression from the last thing Riot said is that the game will be updated, just more sporadically and with a majority of it being Path related content.

Yes, we will have some articles to fill in more details about our future content and release plans. We have plenty of stuff slated for release beyond patch 5.4.


Originally posted by CastVinceM

can we take this to assume that the lor button will be pushed out alongside patch 5.4.0?

Not alongside, but it's tentatively slated for soon thereafter. We're still working out details and scheduling, the League Client is a busy place.

08 Apr


Originally posted by _Oberine_

I don't really see the point in waiting for an update personally, if you're a new player obviously everything will already be new to you whether it was just released or old.

To be transparent, we think that having new people come into the game when there's a lot of fun, engaging conversations on social media (like here on Reddit!) about our new champs, the new set, the latest format changes from Rotation, etc. We want the players who are falling in love with LoR for the first time to experience a welcoming ecosystem outside of the game too.

01 Apr


Originally posted by BearSeekSeekLest

You have the original version of the card which lacks the Kat subtype introduced with Heart of the Huntress.

as subtype overseer i can confirm this is a Kat


Originally posted by Mission-Education734

Btw how long till I can get back into the game again, it's been a rough 5 days

I'm not involved in the fix so I can't give an updated estimate or really speak to it, but we have a strike team that's been working hard on this issue and nothing else for the last few days. They're testing a new build for it at this exact moment.


Originally posted by Stareatthevoid

did it just slip the net when they were doing the translations for one of the recent updates?

I just checked and we have all of The Grander Plaza's translations for all languages complete in data, so something funkier is happening to make it not show here. Gonna send this off to QA, thanks for reporting!

29 Mar


Hi there! Obviously my answer will be biased (yes it's worth it!), but I can provide a little clarity on some of your questions:

  1. We'll have more details when we release our next set in April, but we plan on having ranked Standard and Eternal queues up in perpetuity, with seasons resetting every three months.

  2. Our current plan for keeping Standard fresh is via rotation - we have over 100 champs currently and so the permutations for Standard are pretty robust. Whether we incorporate player feedback into this process is something we'll consider once we've seen how things go with our initial strategy.

  3. Our game queues are still very healthy - our internal metrics have shown no increase in average matchmaking times over the last few months, although of course there are hours in the day where there are fewer players in queue, but this has always been true.

27 Mar


Originally posted by Docksterino

Hey, i have updated it to 05.03.025 on Android and I still cannot get in. If you have thr time, can you confirm that the bug persists on this version?

Thanks for this update. We’re attempting to repro internally - if you can, please submit a bug report and attach device logs if you can.
