Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

22 Jan


Originally posted by IndianaCrash

Just wanted to know, are Expedition win / losses on a diffrent track too ?

Expeditions are part of the PVP track, so they'll count towards your PVP wins / losses for the day, but will diminish to 0 quicker since their base values are lower. However, the big burst of XP you get at the end of each trial is unaffected by diminishing XP.


Originally posted by spiritplx

What is the base value for AI wins (drops to 75 after your 4th win it appears)? I am not sure I see that anywhere in the post still.

lol, looks like I missed that one with the edits -- base vs AI win XP is 100


Originally posted by spiritplx

For those who did not see, that is what it was changed to. The original post listed these values

Losses (per day)

Losses 5-10 reward 75 XP.

Losses 11-20 reward 50 XP.

Losses 21+ reward 0 XP.

This ends up being a huge nerf to "loss" experience. It will definitely feel bad to get nothing for your 11th loss and beyond. They may also want to edit this line here "Losses grant more XP until 21+ (where they now grant 0)"

Hey u/spiritplx, FYI those original values you're listing are actually still there, just now correctly labelled as "Vs AI Wins" (pulled the wrong stuff from a spreadsheet when building this article). Sorry for the errors and confusion.

u/aquanort One thing to keep in mind is the comparison to how loss XP worked in the preview patches:

Preview patches - all losses were worth 25 XP.

Now - PVP losses grant 100 XP base, 50 XP for losses 5-10, and then 0 for 11+.

Overall we think this should feel better in almost all scenarios, though this is a huge body of changes so we'll definitely be keeping an eye on how things play out early in open beta. Thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by spiritplx

I kind of ninja edited my response with another question. Not sure if you saw that or not.

Yup you're correct -- PVP wins / lossses and AI wins / losses are on different tracks.


Originally posted by spiritplx

Interesting, thanks for the update! So if you hit your 31 wins for PVP in a day, you could potentially get exp for AI wins? Not saying I am doing that, but just curious for clarity sake. Thanks~

you bet!


Hey folks, through a true comedy of errors we accidentally shipped this article with a bunch of inaccurate and/or missing info under the XP section towards the end. We've updated the English article, so recommend giving that section a re-read if you already went through it. Other languages will follow ASAP. Apologies for the fail.

19 Jan


Hey, this is lovely! Just wanted to point out that the illustration is actually by SIXMOREVODKA and not an internal illustrator at rito!

14 Jan


Originally posted by Wuuthrad99

It does certainly work the way you think it does!

Yeah, I was kinda assuming from the start that there wouldn't be cross-region matchmaking / friendlies given the existing system in League, though I would be lying if I said I didn't get my hopes up just a bit.

I totally get the reason for why it isn't available, and the fact that you can communicate cross region is a great surprise in and of itself. It's just that my reaction reading through the news post was essentially the exact reaction contained in the meme, and thought it was funny enough to share with the community.

Ha, yup, I getcha. I'm actually gonna update the matching bullet in our 1/22 patch notes with some additional context along the lines of what I mentioned above, so thanks for helping me draft that haha.


Originally posted by Kuchenjaeger

That is incredibly disappointing. I would love an explanation for this. Why can we add them to our friends list, but not play with them?

Hey folks, chatted with one of our tech guys about the background here, basically what this comes down to is that the friends list / chat is built on a completely different service than challenge functionality. Most pertinently, friends list / chat is shared between games (i.e. with LoL), while challenge (and matchmaking) is game-specific.

The team that owns the underlying friend / chat tech has specifically made improvements to it to support cross-shard friends / chat, while the only "improvement" to LoR's matchmaking breadth is relative to LoL's in that LoR has fewer, bigger (i.e. include more countries) shards than LoL. Unfortunately, we do still need to have at least a few distinct shards, which means separate matchmaking pools.

Still definitely get the annoyance, but hope this clarifies.

/u/Wuuthrad99 so...

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12 Jan


Hey folks, FYI patch notes covering all changes to Anivia and other cards are coming on 1/22, so wouldn't speculate TOO much until then.


Originally posted by Nerg_

Is IOS still on the cards? I noticed it was gone from supported platforms at the end.

We don't currently have plans to directly support Mac OS, but we are potentially interested in Mac OS' new capability of running ipad apps on macs (https://developer.apple.com/mac-catalyst/). Nothing concrete for now (we're super focused on OB start and mobile), but we'll let you all know as soon if that changes.


Originally posted by CarouselKeeper

I <3 the small man

no u


Originally posted by Scared-Faithlessness

Do we need to register again or will our previous registration be good enough?

Your previous one works!


Originally posted by SwordArtBlade

This source says closed beta access a day early (January 23rd)... I'm assuming this is incorrect and the earliest we have access is 24th, even if we played in the preview patches? source

Nope, that's accurate! Anyone who played during the preview patches or pre-registers by midnight PT on the 19th will get access at or shortly after 11 am PT on the 23rd. The gates then go completely open at 11 am PT on the 24th.


Originally posted by ianbits

So they're just skipping the Closed Beta portion, interesting.

Devs already lying on roadmaps Kappa

Big sorry, please forgive.


Hi! I'm Dovagedys, the Product Lead for "Sets" on Legends of Runeterra.

I think this is an awesome question and want to share some of our thinking regarding future champions.

Over time we hope to eventually include every champion in Legends of Runeterra. There are many factors that determine when we include a champion. The most important factors are gameplay and thematic cohesion. We want the champions to feel like they belong together, play well together, and are fun together. As we begin releasing expansions and add more champions, we want to ensure they’re exciting and fun for players, thematically fit with their expansion as a whole, represent new mechanics, and work well in an ecosystem with all the previously released champions.

As you mentioned, champions are often related to specific regions and we take that into account when considering which champions to include in future expansions. However, I believe there are creative ways to include champions t...

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20 Nov


Originally posted by Michelob21

Thanks for clarifying. It is amazing your company is so open and communicating with the people here :) Loved the beta and cant wait for the next one in hopefully very early 2020! :)

Of course! We're just happy to be out in the wild with you all :D Will be back with 2020 info as soon as we can.

18 Nov

    /u/RyscG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We're on the same page!

Right now they're desynced because we're tweaking things to optimize around the 5-day previews. Once we're in closed beta they should all line up.

    /u/RyscG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by IYINGDI_WANGYI

Hello RyscG. Would you please share something more about matchmaking in Exp. Mode?

I know that 2 champions deck are always against 2 champions decks. How about number of Trade Picks, Wins, current Lose or others? 6 Wins against 6 Wins?

What's the number of Trade Picks after 6 Wins? I run several trials with 6 Picks but 1 trial with 4 Picks. I'm confused.


Matchmaking is based on number of Champions in your deck, and then sudden death. Losses/trade picks etc are not considered.

The trade picks at 6 wins are getting you caught up to the max number of trade picks you could have had in the run before that, so everyone is the same for that final battle.

    /u/RyscG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by KotoMaxibon

Is MMR shared between Constructed and Expeditions or is it separate?
