Legends of Runeterra

Legends of Runeterra Dev Tracker

16 Jun


Originally posted by hirowix

Is Kayn really strong ? Because I had him unlocked for a while but didn't play with him at all. I think I have enough to make him 2 stars but I would prefer to keep my fragments for other champions if possible

He’s great in certain monthlies. Needs 2-3 stars to shine though. For monthlies many champs that aren’t as generically powerful are amazing st certain challenges - like how Tahm Kench is one of the most used champs in monthlies because he’s so good against the encounters that deal damage to the player’s units. Or how yumi is great vs the ones that set your units to 1/1 when summoned.

15 Jun


The ones that provide epic relics are probably worth buying because they’re currently - I think - the only way to get those relics and also offer a some other good stuff in the process. I wouldn’t say anyone NEEDS to buy them but I think they’re good value.


We’ve had some physical booster packs made and they were cool. I used to own a few but gave them away.

A physical game inspired by lor could totally work, but would have to redesign many cards and mechanics.


Viego is insanely powerful and great against lissandra. I’d increase him to 4 stars because he’s nuts.

13 Jun


Sounds like something a jealous, imperfect, flesh-being would say. ;)

12 Jun


Originally posted by Sparrow50

Sorry for digging up a 2-year thread, but I just spent a few months saving up 200 fragments to get rid of that 1 fragment I'll never use (201/200) and I just learned I can't...

Maybe try contacting support to see if they can remove it?

08 Jun


It was 5 champion shards to 1 wild shard, constant with the rates in the excess cards to shards on the pvp side.


Sniper is just his dayjob to pay for his real passion, amateur entomologist. He's currently using the scope to check out a really cool bug.


Congratulations! That's a pretty nice time for a first clear too!

04 Jun


Originally posted by Buguli

they haven't replied for 2 days.

have you received a response yet? i have no sway with player support, i just know they've been more swamped recently


These were intentionally scheduled as part of 5.5, there will also be a third quest chain in this group in another ~2 weeks.

Certainly could have been better about announcing it, but uh, surprise! I guess!

02 Jun


Originally posted by fctd

Which ones are the regions with good removal?

Shadow Isles has strong best hard removal. Ionia has stuns/recalls, often at fast speed. Those will be two of your best bets for dealing with single big targets in this kind of fight. Other regions also have good tools, but often aren't as good at neutralizing single big targets without an existing board-presence.

01 Jun


Zed is one of the only dangerous enemies. Hard mulligan for removal and similar. You should buy removal from shops if your deck doesn’t have any. Pick a support champion from a region with good removal cards even if you don’t care about the champion itself - this influences the cards you see in the shop and reinforcements.

Most encounters you can ignore what they’re doing and roll over them by building a scary board but Zed is faster and scarier in almost all cases here. You need to draft accordingly and mulligan accordingly to protect yourself against him and win after he runs out of gas. It’s quite doable if you plan ahead, and since “one or two big scary guys”is the theme of the adventure in general until asol you can take answers for such situations comfortably.


Congrats! What’s your roster like?


Woot! Congrats! 🎉🎊🍾

31 May


Originally posted by Aizen_Myo

I still wonder how many fragments we need to produce a region crystal... And how to fuse them, I haven't found any menu where such a button was shown..

  1. I think it fuses automagically

Originally posted by lolofonek

It seems this is the explanation, i do think i have more stardust than before. Im kind of salty about what is the point of the inventory though. Anyway - thank you.

Yes you should have gotten 10 stardust for every excess champion fragment, no matter how it was acquired.

30 May


Originally posted by yammityyakkity

What's the best bundle to buy if I want to support the game but also don't want to be fleeced? I already bought the $20 celebration bundle and don't want to waste the Bard and Garen shards (I have them at 3 stars) so I dunno about the starter bundle. I don't feel any type of way about Lux:I / MF / Voli, so none of their bundles appeal to me. And all the other ones are way more than I feel responsible paying for.

If those were a little cheaper then maybe I'd buy a bandle one because ALLL of my platinum vaults are going to Yuumi (literally received almost 200 shards for her in the past week, and my last two platinum vaults were only for her) and she's totally caulkblocking any progress because I don't have any bandle crystals.

I believe the Starter Bundle converts excess shards into Stardust at a 10 to 1 ratio (like all excess character shards no matter where you earn them) so you should still get something for those Bard and Garen shards.

The other possibility is that it may work on discounting-rules instead (reducing the cost to purchase based on the redundant items) but in either case - you shouldn't "waste" the Garen and Bard shards.

IF you want to wait until they get constellations you might be waiting a long time, we don't know how long that'll take. They might get them really soon or one might be long delayed. It's still a very good deal. Up to you of course.

29 May


Originally posted by Buguli

Woah that's a good twist

we've just fixed the bug that was causing this; if you write into player support about it, they can fix it for you