Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

24 Apr


Originally posted by GreenApples69420

Can you guys showcase the new elder maul spec on stream? Hoping for an epic one. Or at least let us have the animation in the beta worlds.

Also, could it get 25% strength/damage added to it? Or more accuracy :)

I think an animation is being worked on for it, so hopefully it's something we're able to show off and see how people feel about it!


Originally posted by Strikingvpr

Any wilderness game jam projects?

Imagine Manked will be doing an assortment of Wilderness stuff!



I've taken a look and can see this was already explained via your ticket, but unfortunately, there is no manual recovery method. Jagex accounts were created with increased account security in mind, and as part of this approach, we acted on player feedback to remove the old account recovery system due to concerns about historic data compromise from other websites being used by hijackers.

We provide as many tools and as much information as we can to players to keep them safe, but ultimately account security is a player's responsibility. I would strongly suggest reading over our security tips to protect your accounts against attacks and unauthorised access in the future.

While I understand this is not the response you were hoping for, this shouldn’t be the end of your ...

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Originally posted by OdoLegIt

Jumping in on this one. With said CA, I believe it's only one now that gives shared exp limiting zerker builds no? Is there a way around getting shared exp from hasta or spear

Halberds have an option for Aggressive, providing only Strength XP, and are now allowed for this CA.


Originally posted by ilovezezima

Please consider making master rumours have a higher pet chance. That alone would have gotten people away from kebbit spam experts (if the team is super against this, despite it being much more fun than the general hunter rumour gameplay loop).

I think both pet chance and overall XP/hr rates would be what the team is looking at as far as rumour rebalancing is concerned, so would imagine it's very much on the table (especially in light of even the early feedback from today)


Originally posted by Uchigatana

Can we please get the option to trade in duplicate hunter guild pieces and huntsman's kits for loot sacks or pet chance?

Will pop this one down as a suggestion!


Hey u/No_Platform_5402

My initial thought is that you have a Jagex account that shares its login e-mail with a RuneScape account. When trying to log in to the website or mobile clients, the login screen will prioritise using Jagex account login details, which means the RuneScape account will be inaccessible.

There are two ways to be able to access the RuneScape account on the website and mobile again:

  1. Change the login e-mail of the Jagex account - this will mean there is no conflict of login details, so you will be able to log into the RuneScape character using its usual details.
  2. ...
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Originally posted by Zinlencer

'I Brought Mine Too' has been updated to include all spears and hastae, as well as halberds. Spears/hastae grant Defence XP on every combat style, so we've included halberds in the mix to keep on theme and provide a more Strength-focused alternative. Note that the fight feels even trickier with a halberd, and you might have to unlearn a little bit of muscle memory to tick this one off!

Can we use Zammy hasta for the fight and switch into Crystal Halberd for the spec, will the CA still count?

Checked with the team on this one and have been told that this should be the case!


Hey u/renzo9898

Sorry to hear this has happened to you, I know how much it sucks when your account gets hijacked.

In order to get you started on the best foot possible with your Jagex Account, I've included some security guidance below:

Your Jagex account is only as secure as your email is. As there is no manual recovery method for Jagex accounts, if you lose access to your email, you may lose total access to your Jagex account. Therefore, I'd recommend having 2FA set up on your email, as well as your Jagex account.

You need access to your email to access your Jagex account. Brand new emails set up purely for the purpose of your Jagex account are great from a security point of view, however it's worth keeping in mind that many email provide...

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Originally posted by [deleted]

I must've missed a blogpost somewhere but what is Mod Husky doing?

He tweeted about it on Monday, but some UI/UX improvements to Clog stuff primarily!


Originally posted by ChewbaccAli

Will there be any update on reworking the wintertodt damage mechanics?

Extremely likely to include some Todt damage stuff in the next QoL Poll, though I'm not 100% certain when we'll surface that to players because the team responsible for QoL Polls have a fair bit going on with MTA Changes and some other bits in the near future - but it is coming, just not in a place where I'd be able to give a specific timeframe.



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The cancellation will cancel the subscription, but if you need a refund on the auto-renewed month, just drop us a message here and we'll be happy to help.

  • Jagex Support
    on News - Thread - Direct
This one's all about item tweaks and changes to some elements of combat!
    on News - Thread - Direct
This week's short & sweet update brings a handful of Varlamore tweaks & fixes along with some more assorted small changes!

22 Apr


Live, Laugh, Love

Laugh, Love, Live

Love, Love, Laugh

Same Vibe


Originally posted by QuasarKid

Wasn’t this supposed to be a group boss? Or am I mixing that up with something else in Varlamore part 2

There's two headline pieces of content with Part Two, this and the Group Boss.


Originally posted by reGilth

Will all of these uniques be purchasable with points? Really not interested in another RNG grind for skilling stuff right now...

As far as I'm aware, yes.


Originally posted by GregBuckingham


This is amazing. Please continue to add this feature to every blog!!

Edit: u/JagexSarnie, if you continue to be the one to read these blogs, I’d love to see how quickly you can read all the Jmod names at the end lol

You should check out some of the older ones, defo have done it faster :P


Originally posted by Soft_Yellow_5231

Essentially, after unlocking this item, the Potions in your Bank will be automatically placed into Potion Storage, which will have a separate interface for you to withdraw them from.

Would this mean we would no longer be able to keep potions in our bank tab layouts for quickly gearing for PvM? If this gets added, it should still be possible to keep potions in your bank conventionally so regearing/potting doesn't slow down. I don't want to have to go to a separate menu to grab my potions.

I think we would probably look to still have Potions stored in the bank if you want them, regardles of the route we take.


Originally posted by WastingEXP

are the base elements stackable? like we can mill our stuff down then spend the rest of our time making potions or do we have to resupply and re-mill throughout the order list?

I'm pretty sure that the paste itself won't be stackable but the elements will more than likely be an stored bit of data on how many you have.