
Stationeers Dev Tracker

11 Mar

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Round based play is something we have wanted to do, given the games inspiration from SS13. We realized though we needed to overcome a number of hurdles before we could look at round based play, particularly performance in terms of size of bases as well as multiplayer.

The old multiplayer system was heavily coupled with Unity (the game engine) making it difficult for player avatars to be separated from the players connection. Additionally, the game suffered performance issues in medium or large bases especially with more than three players.

With the new multiplayer system and our further performance improvements there are many less obstacles in the way of what is needed to run public servers and the like.

That unfortunately doesn’t mean we will be rushing straight to these features. We have been methodically going through core features and redoing them with a consistent vision of how we see the game, given what is possible.

Certainly I can see u... Read more

05 Mar

New Traders
Shuttles Shuttles come in 6 types, including small, medium, and large variants, each with normal and gas options. Shuttles can use a runway or make a vertical descent and require a landing pad of different sizes: 3x3 for small, 5x5 for medium, and 6x6 for large. Supporting the requirements of different shuttle types means you’ll get to trade with more of the visiting Traders.

Space Planes There are two types of space planes, medium and large. Unlike shuttles, space planes cannot land vertically, require a runway, and only appear on planets with an atmosphere. Due to being designed to operate in diverse atmospheres, they are able to still land during storms, unlike shuttles. Space planes also need a larger landing pad size: 7x7 for medium and 9x9 for large. A minimum runway length of 15 and 20 is required for medium and large space planes,... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

01 Feb

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
Trader Overhaul
The previous trader updates changed the way you contact and summon traders, and this update finally changes who the traders are, and what they trade. We've done a complete overhaul on how the traders and their wares are defined. Previously, traders and their goods and prices were programmatically generated, but this is now all hand authored. These changes were all designed with mod support in mind, and modders can create new unique traders easily.

Traders now, in general, only trade more basic items rather than fully manufactured goods. They also don't buy and sell the same things, but rather they will buy items that make thematic sense. For example, the alloy trader sells alloys but wants to buy ores. Traders will also occasionally want to sell or buy special items.

New Trader Types There are currently 5 unique traders, each buying and selling their own unique set of goods. Higher Tier versions of the traders will trade a wider variety of... Read more

24 Jan

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I have added the ability to repair Aimee (for now, using Duct Tape) as well as the ability to desconstruct (using a drill) into revision 18349. This will deploy onto beta during the next deployment.
    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We are working hard on this. Because we completely replaced how multiplayer was done so that we could fix the myriad of issues with it, as well as moving the requirement for the game to have steam running, it necessitated us redoing the Steam P2P from scratch. This has the added benefit of us being able to really properly implement steamp2p and give a much more stable implementation.

Will include a full status update in each patch notes. It is a major priority at the studio - so the task gets priority over many other things and has company resources available to it. As soon as we can we will get it out for testing.

21 Jan

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
the 'lb' is the instruction, means "load from batch". In other words, it will load a variable off a batch of devices.

the 'r1' is the register to store the result into

the 'battery' is the type, being a "prefab id", which is a type identifier. In this case, it refers to all Station Batteries.

the 'Charge' is a variable that exists on batteries. Different types of objects have different variables you can read. Charge is the total energy.

the last input 'Sum' is the method to use when taking all the batched devices. Should they be added up? Averaged? The Maximum? or Minimum?

As recommended, if you want to know the total charge of all the batteries on a network, you might be best to use "Ratio" and the method "Average". This will give you the average ratio (0 being totall empty, 1 being totally full) across all of that kind of battery

12 Jan

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
2022 was a very busy year for the Stationeers team. We consolidated our Statiioneers team with our ICARUS team at the same location, allowing us to draw together our talent and experiences across both teams.

Multiplayer Our efforts last year culminated in the release of a major multiplayer refactor that solved a great deal of issues and substantially optimized the code. The game was still heavily reliant on a method of making network connections that was unreliable and not performant - so we developed that further (a variation of RakNet we call "RocketNet"). We released this late last year as well as removing DRM entirely from the game and also any requirement for the game to run on steam.

This has presented an issue for players who have difficulty making multiplayer connections due to Internal Address issuing problems, stemming from port forwarding challenges and IP exhaustion. We are currently working hard to reimplement Steam P2P to work with our new multiplayer,... Read more

09 Jan

    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Note the reason for this change was discussed extensively at the project level and has three core elements

1. To standardize player experience for development
It had become almost impossible to balance the and game and add content that was consistent when there were n number of conditions players could adopt.

2. To focus the experience towards an overall experience "intent"
Players often describe this as the "reason why" or "endgame". In game development this might be described as the "hook". We feel as a studio we have become quite good at making *systems* for systems based games - but we need to make those systems *matter*.

To help with this focusing the experience more allows us to develop towards a specific experience and goal. This doesn't mean we don't intend to support and allow players to craft their own experiences (which is why we left the settings in the ini), but we needed to start working towards this if we ever hope to achie... Read more
    Rocket on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The art style, as noted, was heavily driven by pragmatism in terms of ease to create content and performance. If I was doing the project again, I would actually probably go further with reducing the complexity of the art assets - so performance and scaling would be even better. Wouldn't necessarily mean *more* cartoony, though. Just a lot less complexity. This would allow more simulation, more scale, and better lighting and effects. Maybe even then VR would become an option also.

04 Jan


You seem to know what you’re doing

23 Dec

  • Dishes now release contacts from interrogation if the wattage requirement is no longer met, this addresses a missmatch of information between the contact UI and the interrogation popup.
  • Fixed possible issue where contact manager could potentially crash.
  • Added ability to read and write power setting for small and medium satellite.
  • Fixed mismatched types for power setting when updating clients.
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

22 Dec

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
Trading Contact System When revisiting the trader contact mechanic, we really wanted to create an engaging system that would encourage engineering, automation and problem solving. In addition to finding traders, we’ll leverage this in the future to find destinations for your rockets, answer distress signals, and invite visitors to your station. The process of contacting contacts has been split into a few concepts.

Contacts Instead of dozens of contacts constantly spread around the sky, we’re moving to a more logic driven approach of having rules dictate when traders are available. As we transition from our older trader system, into the new one, we are providing the old traders as three separate tiers of contacts. These current contacts have increasing difficulties to contact and hang around for about 20 minutes before they leave and another one takes their place, so you’ll have to find the harder contacts if you want to check out many traders.

... Read more

15 Dec

Today we're doing a quick patch that brings a new low level multiplayer implementation. This change should mean that the network performance is better and connectivity should improve in some situations.
The larger issues around connecting to servers is an ongoing task that is actively being worked on.

Due to time constraints, we omitted the 3x1 hangar door from the previous update but we're taking this opportunity to add it.

Dismounting ladders had a bug caused by the changes to the movement controller and this has also been fixed.

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

14 Dec

The second trader update brings us a step closer to a more interesting, fun, and involved trading game loop. You can read about all the plans for trading in the previous blog post here.

Gas Trading

Leveraging the new modular landing pad we’ve made some big changes to how you buy gas from traders. With the new Gas Storage and Gas Connector modules you can now buy large quantities of gas from traders with ease. Traders will provide a range of gas mixes ... Read more