

04 Feb

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct


Thanks for the feedback everyone, we’ll forward it all to our developers. We still have a lot to improve on consoles and we’re working on it!

Thank you all for your patience!

03 Feb

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Mayuyu,

Can you share with us which platform you play and if you have mods installed?

Thanks in advance.

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone,

We really appreciate every comment and constructive criticism. Please keep them coming. We want to hear back from you and we intend to address every issue reported.

We do apologize for all the wait and we can say that bringing both consoles to the PC built is in the works and it will be released as soon as is completed feature and stability-wise. We chose to focus on the PC platform as it is the one that allows our team to provide the fastest turnaround for fixes given the resources available.

We understand the frustration, we hear you and we’re doing our best to move as fast as possible with the parity update. However, we need to make sure everything is in order and functional before releasing it.

Thank you for all the constructive feedback received.

As a side note, please remember to read the ...

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12 Jan

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Sicilia_85, first of all, apologies for the delayed response.

Please tag @Community when reporting issues, that will help one member of our team to get to your post faster.

We’ll reach out to you in private to ask for a few tests.

Thanks for your patience!

08 Jan

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone,

We understand your frustration, our team has pinpointed the issue and we’re are doing our best to send out a fix as soon as possible.

Apologies for the long wait.

07 Jan

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @CodeMage, this isn’t as simple as before.

We can’t disclose internal processes but, we can assure you our team is already working on it. :wink:

06 Jan

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Jengster,

We understand your frustration, after the work hours we are players as well!
The good news is that even with the working from home situation, pandemic, and all, our team is still growing and we have a team dedicated only to bug fixes and improvements aside from the Isle of Siptah updates.

Thanks for reaching out :slight_smile:

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Jengster, thank you for your concern.

Our team was preparing the update and the fixes preventing the exploit to continue was the priority. Now that’s released, they should start working on a safe way to address those players without prejudice to the ones playing fair.

We apologize for the long wait, we are still working from home and doing our best to work as fast as possible. Thanks for your patience :slight_smile:

22 Dec

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello everyone,

As you may understand everything we worked on this year was delayed and took longer then expected because of the pandemic, we are all working from home in the best way possible. However, issues like experienced in this server are harder to test and work on when every team member is isolated and with limited resources.

We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience but, once again we’ll ask you to be patient and let’s hope that next year the pandemic ends and allows us to work more efficiently from the office.

One more time, we apologize for the long wait and thank all of you for your patience.

09 Nov

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey, make sure to read the announcement:

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02 Nov

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hmmm, I will have to fight you on that! A girl needs her coffee :coffee:

    Mayra on Forums - Thread - Direct


Thank you Hugo, I’m glad to join you and the Funcom family!

I can’t believe I’m here! After a thousand moons of bothering Hugo and Ignasi, they finally said “here, you solve it!”. So, I’m here to help other players to be heard and improve the Exiled Lands (and Siptah of course). I hope to be a true asset in terms of bringing what we (players) want into the game.

I’m thrilled to be here and can’t wait to start hearing from you Exiles! :grin: