almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @vladv69 apologies for the late response.

I am also sorry to hear that you are experiencing the same issue in the quest 'Malvigr'.

Could you please provide a video that demonstrates this issue

I would recommend uploading your video to a video sharing platform such as YouTube, you can then copy the URL link into this thread. 

@JamesBaxxter @TheAkilles10 if you are still experiencing this issue could you also provide a video demonstrating the issue, thanks.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Mushy - Direct link

@Ghostp511 Hey there, sorry to hear you ran into this issue! The team is investigating, but I don't have any further updates to share at this time. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @KeepVaping95 I'm sorry to hear that you are also experiencing issues with the quest 'Malvigr'.

As mentioned in the previous response, the development team are still investigating this issue and we have no further updates to share with you at the moment.