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While all rune interfaces are clunky, one change in 1.2.2 is that the order presented in shops is even worse now. There's an order to the runes, sort-of, but they're not grouped as they were. I have to make notes of which runes I've picked up and want to sell in order to make sure that I don't sell one that I want to keep. The older irritation of some round runes showing up half-way through the diamond runes is still present. Also multiple runes are not a thing in the shop, they all show up individually.

By the way, what's the state of the "Greater Aegis Rune"? It's the only one I've never seen in . . . 700 hours of playing. Ouch, that's a lot, but then it's a good game (fix the glitches and it'll be a great game).

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there!

I apologise for the delayed response. I'm sorry to hear that you're encountering trouble with disorganised runes in your inventory following TU 1.2.2. I can see that the development team have been notified about this issue, and that they're currently investigating further. I've shared your reports with them as part of the ongoing investigation.

If you're able to share any additional videos which show how the runes are currently sorted in your inventory and when trying to sell them to the merchant, these will be helpful for the investigation.

Thanks! 😊

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there,

@azullFR - Thanks for bringing that thread to my attention. I've merged it into this ongoing thread so we can keep track of all reports and updates from the investigation into disorganised runes in one place. Thanks for sharing your own report as well! I've passed this along to the development team for further investigation.

You mention that a dagger from the Store has gone missing following TU Just to confirm, as you referring to Hundtoth?

I've already purchased this seax, so I cannot check this in my own game. Would you be able to send us some images or a short video that shows you don't already own Hundtoth, but that you cannot purchase it from the Store anymore? We can then pass this along to the development team for a closer look.

Thanks! 😊

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Thanks for sharing that thread with me, @azullFR! I've reached out to you over in that thread 🙂

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi Vikings!

We have not received any reports of this issue for quite sometime. However, after thorough investigation the development team has confirmed that they are unable to continue looking into a potential fix for this particular issue as they must focus on issues that have a comparatively higher impact on the gameplay experience.

I understand that this is not the outcome you were hoping for and can only apologise.

As the issue will no longer be investigated, I will now lock this thread and mark it as resolved.