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So, it seems it's almost 2023 and the "crouch" and other controller issues on the PS4 were never fixed? I hope that isn't true, Ubisoft always struck me as a reliable developer.

If there is a fix, can you please let me know here? If there is NOT a fix and the game is still unplayable on PS4 years later, please let me know how to get a refund. 20 minutes in and game is unplayable. Just bought the game on the Playstation Network yesterday.

Also, your forums are broken, too. "Tag selected" doesn't always show up, and it took me four tries as both a reply and a new topic to get this to post.


over 2 years ago - Ubi-Havoc - Direct link

Hello there @DingoOfIssy thanks for stopping by to report an issue with crouching while using a PS4 controller. As a first step if you are using a custom control scheme could you try swapping to the default and trying to crouch? If your controller is wireless you may also have some luck wiring it to your console as a test. Should you prefer to pursue a refund and purchased your game directly on the Playstation Network I would advise to reach out to Playstation.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @DingoOfIssy apologies for the late response.

I understand that you are experiencing an issue in Assassin's Creed Valhalla where you are unable to crouch. This is not an issue that I have seen reported, however I understand that you have seen other threads where a large number have players have also reported this.

If possible could you please provide the links to those threads so that I can look into this further.

Can you also confirm the following:

  • If you have been able to crouch at any point during the game or not at all?
  • If you have tried using another controller?
  • Which quest did you play up til?