The problem with "bugged" runes :
(it's an example)
INVENTORY LIST = 3 weapon speed runes I want to equip + 230 other ones (everything listed)
when I want to equip...
EQUIP LIST = some runes are in the list but the 3 weapon speed runes are missing...(so, non-usable)
If I sell 200 runes the 3 weapon speed runes BECOME AVAILABLE
So I think there's a problem with the way runes are handled by the game, or we are missing information on the limit number of fully usable runes...
(Bunch of tries to reload 30h, 80h then 100h sooner saves, selling some runes I thought bugged, making spreadsheets to be sure of what I notice...) at the moment I'm not ready to spend 1h more on finding the cap where this happen's (approximative english, sorry. Disponible aussi en français)