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The Ps5 just got update in 2022/2/2, the version is 1.042.000

. The quest tells players to rest in their bed. After resting, a cutscene is supposed to play. In it, one of your now estranged compatriots, Dag, challenges you, Eivor, to a duel to see who should control your growing village while its de facto leader, Sigurd, is away.However, if you get the bug, your game skips this cutscene entirely and leaves you in a bugged-out ghost-town version of Ravensthorpe.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Peach - Direct link

Hey @autocad2018 @tole999! We are aware of this and are actively investigating. We are expecting to have this resolved in a future update. Please keep your eyes on the News and Announcements section for any updates.