System Hardware: 3090 RTX, i9-13900k, 64gb DDR5 6400, 980 Pro m.2 (raid:0 if that matters, 4tb space)
Game settings: Ultra profile, custom setting v-sync enabled (60hz monitor), Borderless fullscreen
Desktop resolution: Monitor supports 4k, set to 2k (1440p)
OS: Windows 11 (clean install 11/12/2022)
Issue: When the game launches, it overlaps across both monitors because it's picking up 4k resolution for what my monitor is capable of, even though the desktop resolution is only set to 2k. In order to correct this, I must unplug the second monitor, then plug it back in. Upon doing so, it resizes the game window to the correct resolution.
Before replugging the monitor
After replugging the monitor