Original Post — Direct link

I have found a bug on the Trian, he of the stone circles. The enemy is dead but stuck between 2 rocks and off the ground. There is no prompt to confirm kill. I have fast traveled around Ireland back to England and cut the game completely off and restarted it and no change.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there @fos_the_boss757! Welcome to the forums 🙂

I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble confirming your kill against Trian. Thanks for letting us know what you've tried already to try and resolve the issue.

Would you be able to send us a short video which shows how Trian has become stuck, and that you are unable to confirm your kill against him? We can then pass this along to the development team for further investigation.

Can you also let us know how you defeated Trian? For instance, did you use any special abilities to deliver the final blow?

I'd recommend uploading the video to a sharing platform, such as YouTube or Google Drive, as this will allow you to post a shareable link within this thread for us to take a closer look at.

Thanks! 😊