for years I have been experiencing freeze&crash in AC.
First I played Odyssey, then Origins, and now Valhalla.
Each game same story
- PC requirements met (got better)
- AC eats 80% + all cpu left with currently working apps keeping CPU on 97-100% all the time while GPU is totally bored
- PC guts do not overheat - checked with hwmonitor (years ago as well as now)
Sometimes during 10h gameplay, it just does not crash at all, other times when launched all day it crashes even 10-15 times.
I've made a clean installation of the graphic driver too.
I have no clue and cannot find any suitable answer via googling it.
my friend suggested to install it on HDD instead of SSD, since it solved his similar issues with Grid 2
AC eats only CPU, 0% of GPU. How is it possible?
Could you assist me, please?