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Please help. Some how the game has glitched me in-between two missions. When I load it has me coming back from Assgard after defeating Fenrir but then jumps to a scene from Defeat Hemming Jarl and then back to the settlement. I can then sail to the check point where Hemming is but if I get within 200 meters it desyncs and I start the process all over again. I have tried different save points, I have uninstalled the game I have hard reset and nothing is working. I have put quite a few hours into this game I would really like to finish it.

Is there anything I can do to continue?

almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there @SpartanChef116! Welcome to the forums 🙂

This certainly sounds like a strange issue. I'm sorry to hear that you've been caught in a desynchronization loop. Thank you for letting me know more about how you've tried to resolve the issue already. Would you be able to provide us with some more information so we can take a closer look at this?

  • Prior to completing "Binding Fate," did you successfully complete "Of Blood and Gods?" Or were you in the middle of this quest prior to going to Asgard?
  • Would you be able to send us a video that shows the issue you're encountering upon leaving Asgard? This will be helpful for the development team's investigation.
  • Can you recall any other strange behaviour prior to this issue happening in-game? If we know the actions taken prior to encountering this desync loop, it will help the team in replicating the issue during testing.

Additionally, can you ensure that you have an up-to-date save uploaded to the cloud, so the developers can take a closer look at this as well.

Thank you 😊

almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Mark. - Direct link

Hello @SpartanChef116,

Thank you for the update!

You can upload your video to any streaming service of your choice and provide us with a link here. It will help us to investigate it further for you.

Many thanks and if you have any additional questions, please let us know.

almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there @SpartanChef116!

If you're unable to upload the video to a sharing platform (such as YouTube or Google Drive), you can also open a support ticket and upload your video directly to the ticket. You can open a ticket via the Ubisoft Support website, or by starting a live chat.

If you open a ticket, please share you ticket number with us in this thread so we can check it out. Thanks! 😊

almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Thanks for sharing your ticket number with me, @SpartanChef116! I've checked out your ticket and I wasn't able to find any video shared here. Would you be able to share a video of this desynchronization loop with us? You can either upload the video to a sharing platform (such as YouTube or Google Drive) and send us a link, or you could upload it in a .zip folder to your support ticket.

Let us know when you're able to share a video with us, and we'll take a closer look.

Thanks! 😊

almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Thanks for sharing a link to the video with us, @SpartanChef116! It looks like access the view the video has been restricted. Can you ensure that the link you send us is public, as we can take a closer look?

Thanks! 😊

almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

That's perfect, @SpartanChef116! I can see that you seem to be shifting between the aftermath of "Binding Fate" with Valka and the cutscene with Hemming Jarl in "Of Blood and Gods." I've passed your report along to the development team so they can take a closer look at this.

To help in the investigation, would you be able to provide us with an additional video that shows the desynchronization you encounter whenever you get close to the quest marker for "Of Blood and Gods?"

Thank you 🙂

almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Thanks so much for those video, @SpartanChef116! I can see in the three you've provided that you still have that "dream-like" effect overlaying the screen on your travels back to Hemming Jarl. This could be really helpful information for the development team as they investigate this issue further.

They've reached out to us and hope you'll be able to provide some additional information. Prior to going to Asgard to take on Fenrir, did you defeat Hemming Jarl? Can you let us know if you fully completed "Of Blood and Gods" before going to Asgard? Or did you only get as far as the battle with Hemming Jarl?

Thanks! 😊

almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Mark. - Direct link

Thank you for the update, @spartanchef116!

Can you please confirm if you have your manual save already uploaded to the cloud?

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@spartanchef116 Apologies for the late response. It's fine we have already provided a copy of your save to the development team so don't worry about uploading your save to the cloud, they are currently investigating the issue.

Can you recall what part of the quest 'Of Blood and Gods' you got up to? This will help the team in reproducing the issue.