Hi to everyone! I'm playing on ps4. I have a really bad problem. I'm playing the Suthsexe zone quests, I unlock Let them eat ashes, scorched earth and severing the lines.. but well the problem is that. I use a hotspot connection with my smartphone so... I can't download the latest patch of the game ( it's too big) and this arc of quests seems bugged as I read on google !! after I end all of the 3 quest any new quest appears on the map or in the mission page... i don't know where to go... what to do... i found on google that it's a bug and it was fix with patch... but for who play offline? or can't download the patch? really i don't know how to go through this problem and I came here hoping someone coulf help me maybe knowing if there is a way to unlock the next step.
I tried to reload a previous save too hoping it would fix as redoing all the quests but it wasn't helpful and I don't know what to do... really I hope someone could help me with this