Hey there @bielik01,
Thank you for clarifying one such specific location where you can find an unmarked small chest. It would be helpful as @Ubi-Mark says if you could provide an image or video clip demonstrating this behaviour, or else just the exact map location of the chest and what it looks like at the location (you should find the chest in the same spot, but hanging open) so that we can pass these resources onto the developers.
I recall a few months ago reading a thread about some unmarked small chests in various areas in England, and encountered a couple of these myself, so I am familiar with the behaviour you're describing. I'll do my best to find out for you whether they are just extra wealth chests for the dedicated explorers among us, or if it is indeed a bug that they are not shown on the map when viewing it, when I have access to at least one image of your map / one of the opened chests in question for me to open the investigation with!
Thank you.