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I am experiencing an issue with the quest Strangers Bearing Gifts, the quest that is supposed to unlock/start the Siege of Paris DLC. I have read the letter, they have set up the guesthouse and the quest tells me I need to progress through the main story, even though I have done everything in the main story. And now I can't seem to find a way to get this to work. If there is anyone that has this or had this and found a way please let me know. I have searched everywhere and just didn't find anything. Loading a previous save would just lose all my progress through the other DLCs which is not really anyone wants.

Thank you.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Oxavo - Direct link

Hello @whezyk and welcome to Discussions!

Sorry for the delayed response. If I understand you correctly you are unable to talk to Toka and Pierre in Ravensthorpe for the quest Strangers Bearing Gifts?

Could you please confirm for me if you have installed the latest game update but the issue still persists? If the answer is "yes", I would kindly ask you to record a short video showing us the issue itself and the game version and send us a link so we can investigate this further. Please also make sure that your latest saves are uploaded to the cloud.

Please let me know if I can help you with anything else.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Gizmo - Direct link

Hey there @whezyk, thank you for taking the time to get back in touch and provide that video. I can confirm that I have forwarded all of the information over to the development team so that they can take a closer look into the problem. Once we have more information available, it will be shared over on our News and Announcements section. Should you have further questions regarding this or anything else, please don't hesitate to let us know.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Gizmo - Direct link

Hey again @whezyk, it's absolutely no problem. I am glad to hear that you're looking forward to it. I hope you're also taking care and staying safe! 🙂