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i'm playing on pc and we didn't make it to the "win drinking games 350,000 times" for the last week's community challenge, which means we didn't get the 10 opals. now they're asking for 350,000 again for winning dice games this week for the community challenge and last week we were about 40,000 short on that mark. just seems a bit high, there's probably not a big enough player base to hit these goals all the time, some of the player base is probably not even interested in the opals or doing the challenges and pays no attention to it, or the goal and challenge is tedious to begin with for a portion of the player base, many probably don't want to sit there and play dice games and drinking games over and over and over ?

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @jimmywon34 @thegardener25 thanks for your feedback about the Ubisoft Connect Time-Limited Challenges.

I will forward this feedback on to the development team.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@jimmywon34 @thegardener25 The development team have been made aware and are looking into this. I have also informed them that the latest community challenge target was not reached.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link

@spirantcrayon22 Hey! Thank you for your reply. We will pass this feedback on to the development team.

Thank you.