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There is no rhyme or reason. It just crashes randomly and completely shuts off the Xbox. It's a digital download and I have gone through both the game settings and Xbox settings changing graphics settings and have tried deleting and re-downloading and installing and having the same issue.

Does anyone else have the same problem? If so, how do I fix it?

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @cptwcn @atrociousisback and welcome to the forums.

I'm sorry to hear that you are both experiencing crashes whilst playing Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

Could you please go through the Xbox troubleshooting if you haven't already done so then try again.

If the issue persists could you confirm the following:

  • Did this only start to happen after the most recent update or did you experience crashes prior to the update
  • How long can you play for roughly before you encounter a crash
  • Does the game crash to the home screen or shut down your console
  • If you own a disc or digital version of the game
  • Does the crash occur when you do something specific in game such as fighting, viewing the map, riding a horse etc or if you are in a certain region or on a certain map
  • What is the current main story quest in your quest log

I understand that you have both already answered some of those questions, if you could just answer the remaining questions, thanks.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@cptwcn Thanks for the information provided.

I will report this to the development team.

In the meantime do you have another Xbox account that you could login to on your console to try starting a new game with to see if the same issue occurs. This will help to identify if the issue is related to your save file.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Oxavo - Direct link

@S73ph4N05 - Hello and thanks for contacting Ubisoft Support. I am sorry to hear that your game is crashing. As mentioned previously, this is an issue currently under investigation by the development team and we'll keep this mega thread updated with any news we receive with regard to their investigation.

@vinny7676 I am sorry to hear you have had a such frustrating experience with us and had to cancel your subscription. I would like to reassure you that we don't answer with scripted replies. Our aim is a personal approach to every player but for now we can not confirm that issue is on our side as it is currently under investigation. Thank you for your understanding while the team continue to look into this.

@Pavlozky Hello and welcome to Discussions. I am sorry to hear you've started to experience crashes in game but I guess your issue is different as you are not on Xbox series X. Could you please provide more details. When have you started to experience those crashes? Can you tell us your game edition and do you own a Season Pass as well?