Original Post — Direct link

I just went to Svartalfheim and got a second (Mythical, not Divine) Jotnar Cleaver. I reloaded the save, downgraded the one I had from Divine to Mythical and went to Svartalfheim and still got a second Jotnar Cleaver. I do not want a second Jotnar Cleaver. For the video/screenshot, imagine the inventory, imagine scrolling down to Bearded Axes and then imagine seeing two items named Jotnar Cleaver.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Gouda - Direct link

Hi everyone, thanks for bringing this to my attention!

@TheNorfolkian Thank you very much for chiming in with your solution. This may only be a temporary solution but if it worked for you then hopefully it also worked for @SpirantCrayon22!

@bielik01 have you tested this workaround to see if the game removes the duplicate Jotnar Cleaver?

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @SpirantCrayon22 apologies for the late response.

I'm pleased to hear that the issue was resolved after restarting the game.

With regards to the Ymir Scream tattoo set I have replied to a thread here.

Feedback to have the tattoo set made available to all players outside of that quest was provided to the development team in May earlier this year.