about 2 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there,

I'm sorry to hear that a number of you have been missing your Daily Item from Reda's Shop. We've now adapted this thread into a Megathread so we can collect information for the dedicated teams as part of the investigation into this issue.

Thanks for taking the time to share your reports with us. The dedicated teams have been notified and are looking into this issue further. If you have noticed that any of your Daily Items are missing, please can you provide us with the following information:

  • The date/time the item was missing.
  • An image that shows there is no Daily Item available for purchase.

You can share an image directly in your post, or by uploading it to a sharing platform (such as Google Drive or One Drive) and posting a shareable link within this thread.

@TheeElf, @Njord_and_Skadi & @TheNorfolkian - Thanks for providing us with images of the missing Daily Items. I've included these alongside the other reports shared within this thread to the dedicated teams so they can be used in the ongoing investigation.

Thanks! 😊