Original Post — Direct link


I accepted 'For Honor' as first rebel mission quest for The Siege of Paris. After going to the camp and losing both allies, I killed all the enemies there (only some of them were marked with the green v icon meaning quest ones). To be sure I killed even the enemies inside the cells. My suspect is that possibly, one of the enemies of the quest fled by terror and I was unable to see him.

No matter what I do (restart game, meditate, re-kill all the camp), I cannot longer talk to any rebel quest giver nor complete the current one.

I've finished all the campaigns and my quest log only contains 'Vive la Resistance' and the aforementioned 'For Honor'.


over 2 years ago - UbiStorm - Direct link

Hey there @finfantasy . I'm glad to hear that you were able to resolve this issue! Thank you so much for letting us know, and for providing the steps you took. Please don't hesitate to reach back out if you have any other questions, however. 😊