Original Post — Direct link

On launch I cannot get past the 'Checking for addons screen', it gets stuck (not frozen) on that screen indefinitely. I have reinstalled the game, and verified the game files. All hardware has been tested and my internet connection has no issues.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Dino - Direct link

Hi @stuwilson98, thanks for reaching out about your game getting stuck when checking for add-ons. First, do you own any add-ons for the game? If so, were they reinstalled too? If they are, then please try some more quick troubleshooting steps, if you haven't tried them yet, to see if this allows you to proceed to launch the game after. If this still get's hung-up on that screen. Please open a new case on our support page and upload a couple files for me to check out what may be causing this.