Original Post — Direct link

There is no woman on site. I used fast travel to another sync point. Where can I find it?

На месте нет женщины. Я использовал быстрое перемещение на другую точку синхронизации. Где я могу её найти?

about 2 years ago - UbiStorm - Direct link

Hi there, @dgden . I'm sorry to see that you're unable to find the woman in 'The Gleewoman'. I do see that you posted the same topic twice, so I did want to let you know that I deleted the other topic, as posting the same topic more than once can be considered spamming. I recommend taking a look at our forum rules when you have a free moment to avoid getting an infraction for this.

As for this issue you're having, I do have a workaround that you can try. Try going to the location on your boat and then doing meditation 3 times. After that, go ahead and fast travel to the Colcestre and back to your boat. She should be there after that. If not, please let me know!