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I’m guessing that because Eivor is forced to wear the Mari Lwyd cloak in Glowecestrescire, it creates some kind of problem with the loadout feature. If this is not a bug, it is still a very odd issue. Why not simply get rid of the cloak after the storyline is completed to avoid such potential problems? I also noticed that when wearing gear that is superseded by a layover graphic, like Bayek’s outfit, the Mari Lwyd cloak doesn’t actually appear. So... why bother with it at all given such conflicts?


over 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @thenorfolkian

I'm not sure if this is a bug or intended, so I'll forward it on to the game team anyway and they can look at this and if it is intended we can suggest what you said, to remove it after the storyline is complete.