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Hoping that someone can help me out. Ever since I started the Mastery Challenge, as my power level increases, so does the suggested power level of the various locations and lands throughout the game.

This has not impacted upon the gameplay so much, apart from I cannot complete the Odin Mine Hideout Trial of the Raven.

I cannot assassinate a single enemy. Any assassination does not kill them in one attempt and means that I cannot even get the bronze medal.

I am not sure if the two things are related but my game seemed to bug, once I started the Mastery Challenge.


about 2 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link

Hey @KubiiCr, thanks for getting through to us, welcome to forums and sorry to hear about the issue you ran into with completing Odin Mine Hideout.

As far as level scaling is concerned after starting Mastery Challenges, I can confirm that this has been brought up by a number of players however have been later confirmed to be working as intended.

In regards to the challenge itself, is that the same if you perform air assassination? Also, do you have 'Advanced Assassination' unlocked in Skills Tree?

Let us know and we will take it from there!