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Vili in Snotinghamshire keeps running around with his axe unsheathed, which looks kinda off.
When fishing there is a bug that causes baited fish to circle endlessely around the bait without biting.
The horse keeps running away if you miss the first chance to mount after calling it. It also sometimes just keeps riding straight without responding to attempts to steer it

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there @Grogx94!

I'm sorry to hear that you've encountered some issues whilst playing Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Thanks for taking the time to share your reports with us. Let's take a look at each of them in turn.

Vili and his unsheathed axe
It doesn't look like this behaviour has been reported to the dedicated teams before. Would you be able to provide us with a video that demonstrates this behaviour in-game? We can then pass this along to the team for a closer look.

Fish don't always bite
I wasn't able to find any similar reports of this behaviour happening in-game. Would you be able to provide us with a video that demonstrate the fish refusing to take the bait in your game?

Can you also let us know if this only happens when fishing from certain spots (such as when fishing from a boat, or fishing from lakes/ponds rather than rivers/oceans)? This will be helpful when reproducing the issue in further testing.

Horse keeps running once summoned, and doesn't always respond to inputs
Would you be able to provide us with a video that shows the trouble you've encountered when summoning the horse? I wasn't able to find any reports of the horse continuing running once summoned (if you fail to mount it), or the horse not responding to any input commands either. A video of this behaviour will be helpful for further investigation.

I'd recommend uploading any videos to a sharing platform, such as YouTube or Google Drive, as this will allow you to post a shareable link within this thread we can take a look at. Please ensure you clearly title each video so we know which issue it's been created for.

Thanks! 😊