First of all, thank you for looking into the stealth issues the game has been having!
It seems that, although the instant detection issue (where the detection meter fills up instantly) has been mostly addressed with the 1.4.2 TU, there is still another one that I have been facing a lot.
This bug causes instant detection, but does not show any detection meter: it instead triggers combat instantly, not giving me any time window to react. I believe that this bug is triggered whenever the enemy is facing a "dangerous" situation (seeing a dead body, hearing an arrow shot next to them, etc).
This bug is fairly easy to reproduce, and I have recorded a few of these instances (shown below)
This sequence is a first example of this instant detection bug: the detection meter does not show up and thus does not allow for any reaction (no slow motion). Although in this case it could be argued that it is normal, as I am assassinating a foe right in front of his partner
This sequence, recorded in the Raven Mastery Challenge of the Calleva Outpost, shows that the enemy below has heard my sleeping arrow. He is consequently put in an alerted state. This state allows him to instantly detect me without any detection meter showing up. I had again barely any time to react to his detection
The bug also happens in mistrust areas. I believe that the instant detection has been triggered by the enemy seeing the body of one of the soldiers I just assassinated (the detection meter showing up after the slow motion is of the other soldier accompanying the one instantly detecting me)
This sequence is very interesting, and has been recorded in the Raven Mastery Challenge in Scrobescire. The triggering of the bug is very consistent here (worked 4 out of the 5 times I tried it): all you have to do is whistle from the haystack (thus distracting the enemy near the haystack and the one above) and assassinate the enemy. And again, I was instantly detected and had no room for any reaction, although the detection meter never filled up
Could you please confirm that this is indeed a bug and not intended behaviour? If so, is it a bug that you will be or are already looking into?
Let me know if you need any more footage of this bug occuring
Thank you!