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I just installed the PS5 game version on my PS5 and I am experiencing the following issues:

  • sometimes the character bashes things around (like pressing R2 or R1) while I am just instructing it to go forward
  • sometimes the character bashes things around (like pressing R2 or R1) if I shake the controller
  • sometimes the circle press will NOT register at all. I discovered that if I go into the menu then exit, then it works
  • there is no vibration feedback during the game. I only felt it at strange moments, with no apparent reason. Might be related or not to the above issues

This makes it difficult to play the game: imagine while trying to be silent it just starts bashing things around with no reason

I tried resetting controls to default, I tried disabling vibration in the menu, I don't know what else to try.

Should I install the PS4 version, is it more reliable?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @forest-2k I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with your controls in the game.

Can you please go through the console troubleshooting and try again.

If the issue persists I would recommend resetting the controller to its factory settings by pressing the reset button on the back for five seconds. Then plug it into the USB and install the latest update again when prompted.

With regards to the haptic feedback, I can confirm this is a known issue. We have created a megathread for this particular issue here.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-DeskLamp - Direct link

@forest-2k Thanks for the update!

We were you able to determine the cause of the Circle button not working as well/does that seem to be a controller issue too, or are you still having issues with that?

If you have another one, can you try and see if the issue persists while using a completely different controller?