Original Post — Direct link

I'm playing AC Valhalla on PS4 version and the Dag glitch is still a thing? I've reloaded and restared multipla Times but he's still just randomly walking around and I can't talk to ANYBODY. So my while så is basically softlocked. What to do?

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Peach - Direct link

Hello @SarawBergh, @RobEllie, @Mr_Puggy, @IWILLRKOYOMOMMA, @Wax743, @Elisthanuada, @kamikaze2710, @syrok23, @Lossi80 @dgman82 , @H_Parsons12!

Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. We previously thought this issue was fixed, but the issue has since been reopened. We are currently investigating this and expect to have this fixed in a future update. You can find any updates in the News and Announcements section or in future patch notes. Thanks for your understanding and patience in the meantime.