Hello there @bladebunbun! Welcome to the forums
I'm sorry to hear that you've encountered some trouble when using Odin's Sight. Thanks for including a screenshot in your report! As mentioned in my earlier post, the development team have confirmed that this limited Odin Sight highlight is working as intended when taking part in missions that involve clearing enemy camps or during sieges (such as during "A Triumphant Return."
You mentioned that it "forever disables this ability." Just to clarify, does this mean that outside of enemy camps/sieges, the reduced Odin's Sight still persists? If so, would you be able to send us a video that demonstrates how Odin Sight works when detecting enemies outside of these restricted locations (such as when just exploring the open world)?
I'd recommend uploading this video to a sharing platform, such as YouTube or Google Drive, as this will allow you to post a shareable link within this thread we can take a closer look at.