Original Post — Direct link

Re: [Unable to confirm kill on Zealot 'Callin' as he has glitched under the map](/topic/113263/unable-to-confirm-kill-on-zealot-callin-as-he-has-glitched-under-the-map)

Same thing has happened to me with Zealot Kendall.
PS5 version
I am unable to progress the story since I can't confirm the kill.
Has this 2 year old bug ever been fixed?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Hey there @Crooked_Tooth

Can you take a screenshot showing the location where Zealot Kendall is located for you?

Unfortunately, if you do not have a save from before you started this part of The Order questline you may need to restart on an entirely new save to be able to progress it.