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Does someone else have this bug, where you are at least 200m away from a players corpse, the game says "new quest accepted", even though you did not interact with the body nor were you really close to it? And after that, it tells me I accepted the quest every single time i loot something, no matter what, and it anoys me. It only stops, when I save and reload my previous gamedata, because then the corpse is gons and so is the mission, bu ,i had to save and reload at least 7 times within the last hour, because of that bug. It sucks

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Thanks for reaching out about this, @black1cedragon - we really appreciate it!

I'm sorry to hear you've encountered this issue of new Avenge quests even when not near a player's corpse. This is something our team is aware of, and a fix is planned. We'll be getting that fix out to players as soon as we can, and my sincerest apologies for the inconvenience in the meantime.

Just for future reference, please try to be descriptive with thread titles - makes it easier for other players to find your posts when they are having the same issue! Thanks for your understanding.

Also, welcome to the forums! I hope you've otherwise been enjoying Valhalla 🙂 Let me know if you've any other thoughts or questions.