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Hi, i wanted to add some feedback on the above challenge. Since Ubisoft 'nuked' the Norway dummy area from counting towards these weekly challenges, it seems utterly ridiculous to add 100 assassinations into these challenges.

due to the huge move away from the assassinations style of game play in the last few games, its much much harder to do these and actually be fun. 5 opals for literally hours of work when you can get 5 opal in 20 seconds for recruiting a Jomsviking is completely out of sync.

either please let the Norway dummy area count towards these challenges, reduce the number of assassinations or gives us a lot more than 5 opals for such an impossible challenge. I can't be alone in feeling this way. Thanks @Ubi-Borealis @Ubi-Woofer @ubi-smash

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there @isuwhat!

Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us. As a player, I completely understand where you're coming from. Sometimes, finding 100 targets to assassinate can take a long time, especially compared to hiring a Jomsviking or even killing 100 enemies with alternative weapons. I've passed your feedback to the development team so they can take a closer look at this.

If any changes are made to the timed challenges, this information will be shared in the News & Announcements forum.

Thanks! 😊

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there!

Thanks for sharing your suggestions in making this challenge a little easier, @Kormac67, @Lysvander & @SpirantCrayon22! Hopefully these suggestions help in completing this timed challenge in less time!

And thanks for sharing your positive note, @isuwhat! I completely agree! I'm a firm double seax user, but the timed challenges have forced me to use other weapons, some of which I've really enjoyed using (mainly the dane axe).

Thanks all 😊