Original Post — Direct link

As said in the title, when upgrading Eclipse scythe from Mythical to Divine its name "Eclipse" disappears from the scythe's name, leaving only "Divine Scythe" (underneath) as description in the inventory thumbnail. You can actually see in the before/after preview the name is missing. It's been proffered perhaps the developers forgot to include the name for the Divine upgrade. I want to upgrade my Eclipse scythe but don't want to lose its name in the process. Please fix this.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @spirantcrayon22 thanks for confirming this.

I have managed to find the other post and merged it.

@davidtsmith333 apologies for the late response, and thanks for reporting this issue with the Eclipse scythe, I have merged your post with another and reported it to the development team.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there @RCDeschene!

Thanks for sharing your report regarding Basim's Sword and the missing name following the upgrade to Divine quality. The dedicated teams are aware that both the Eclipse Scythe and Basim's Sword are affected by this issue, and they're looking into this further.

Any future updates will be published within the News & Announcements forum, so please keep an eye out for this.

Thanks! 😊