Original Post — Direct link

Ho conquistato tutta L' Inghilterra, preso e razziato tutto quello che c'era da prendere ho 400 scorte ma dovrei averne 1.200+1.200 per completare allevamento bestiame e granaio ed arrivare al livello 6 e prendere il trofeo Casa dolce casa.So che altri utenti hanno il mio stesso problema.Come posso risolvere il problema di questo eventuale bug che mi impedisce il platino.(e tutti gli AC li ho platinati)

Stesso discorso vale per il tessuto le cui scorte mancanti mi impediscono di far salire il livello di faretra e razioni ( mi mancano rispettivamente 3 e 2 tacche al completamento)

Sperando in una soluzione ringrazio in anticipo chi potrà aiutarmi.🙋♂

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@paolosnake We are only able to assist you in English on this forum. If possible, could you please translate your question for me?
Alternatively, you could create a support ticket and choose your native language from the drop down menu in the bottom right corner.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Thanks for the translation, @paolosnake!

A fix for this issue was deployed in TU 1.3.1, which should allow you to purchase additional supplies from Yanli as long as you meet the following criteria:

Players who cannot upgrade their settlement to level 6 due to lack of supplies will now be able to purchase supplies at the settlement merchant. (Only available at Level 5 and once a specific amount of supplies have been collected) 

Once you've reached settlement Level 6, you should also be able to purchase additional fabric from Yanli to help you upgrade your quiver and rations.

If you are at settlement Level 5 and are unable to purchase supplies from Yanli, please can you send us a video which shows the following:

  • You have the latest Title Update installed on your platform. You can check this in the bottom right-hand corner of the main game menu.
  • You are settlement Level 5. You can check this whilst in the settlement by using your Raven.
  • The amount of supplies and raw materials you currently have in your Bag. You can access this via the Inventory menu.
  • You are unable to purchase additional supplies from Yanli.

I'd recommend uploading the video to a sharing platform, such as YouTube or Google Drive, as this will allow you to post a shareable link within this thread. We can then take a closer look at your missing supplies.

Thanks! 😊