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I know, I know the dev. team is "unable to offer fixes" blah blah blah, but still I want to report the following problem. Yes, it is not really game-breaking but I am positive it is not something that takes tons of time to address, so there may still be a chance to be addressed.

In the Rune list, circular runes and diamond runes sometimes get mixed together, seen below:



In addition, the default raven skin & horse skin should always come at the upper left corner, but somehow, the game suddenly put them at the very end. This issue appears post-game and it is suspected it has to do with selling items in Yanli's shop, upgrading gear, or the River Raids.

If the team is "unable" (or rather "unwilling") to address it, at least could an item-sorting function be introduced to these skins, or runes, or even weapons/armors for personalised sorting before tech support cycle ends, hopefully?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Orion - Direct link

Hey there.

Thanks for taking the time to report this to us. I'll pass this on to the team for further investigation.