Original Post — Direct link

Hey all,

In the Old Forums I started a thread: (https://forums.ubisoft.com/showthread.php/2356945-Question-Company-Level-update?p=15480003) about the Company Level not updating in the statistics, I still wanted to pick that up, but time flies...

@Ubi-WheelyDuck suggested I checked my connectivity, which should be very fine today, I re-installed my whole Windows 10 installation. I am wired and have no issues at all with my fresh install.

But after playing for a week, still no updates on the Company Level, current level listed in Ubisoft Launcher listed below;

As you can see here, my game passed the 82 long time ago.

The population is still based on one Arena maximum and not a population total.

Please take another look.


over 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Thanks for reaching back out to us with an update on this @sirharrypierce , appreciate it!

I've passed this onto the game's team for further investigation seeing as there's been no change since July.

As usual, if the team require any more information or should we have any news we'll let you know!

And of course let us know if the values change at all!

Thank you!

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Mushy - Direct link

@sirharrypierce Apologies for the lack of response!

It looks like the development team was unable to reproduce the issue, so they'd like to get some more information. Can you answer the following questions for me?

  • Was the highest level save profile created on your Ubisoft account, or did you import an existing save from another account?
  • Do you recall which save profile you first created on your account? If so, what is the company level on that profile?
  • Do you use cloud saves and play on multiple devices, or do you just play on one device?

It would also be extremely useful if you could provide a screenshot of the company level for all of the existing profiles on your account.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Nacho - Direct link

@sirharrypierce Hi again!

All the detailed answers you've given here, along with accompanying screenshots and the video clip, are much appreciated. We've passed this information along for the team to investigate further.

We may be back in touch to gather any additional information in this thread, but thanks again for what you've provided so far.

If we're able to find out for you if the statistics showing only the total population for the biggest population for a particular session is intended, we'll let you know.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Nacho - Direct link

@mayosa7 Hello there!

Sorry to hear you've also encountered this issue with the statistics. Would you be able to answer the following for us if the issue persists?

Was the highest level save profile created on your Ubisoft account, or did you import an existing save from another account?
Do you recall which save profile you first created on your account? If so, what is the company level on that profile?
Do you use cloud saves and play on multiple devices, or do you just play on one device?

Many thanks!

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Orion - Direct link


Hey there,

No worries! I've passed your report on to the team. Cheers!

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Nacho - Direct link

@sirharrypierce Hello.

Thanks for updating the thread here with screenshots showing the issue persists for you. We've reached out to the team again to see if there's anything further we need for our investigation.

@mayosa7 We're glad to hear this seems to be working now. If the issue returns, or if you have any other questions, please be in touch.