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@Ubi-Borealis I have a problem with the store...
I have bought Assassin's Creed Valhalla - Limited Content Pack in PlayStation™Store and Hati is not marked as owned, but I can use it.

Also there was a problem with Web tree when it was in Reda's shop. It's probably from Modern Day settlement set, but I don't see the set in the store. Also it wasn't marked as owned at Reda's. And now I see the purchase date is missing too.

These screenshots were made after the purchase.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@bielik01 Thanks for reporting this.

To confirm is Hati still not showing as being owned in the store? And is the web tree still showing as being available to purchase from Reda? Can you also access Hati and the Web tree in game?

I can confirm that settlement packs appear to be moved to the 'Property' tab in the store if one of the items from the pack has been purchased from Reda. Can you check there to see if the Modern Day settlement pack is there.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@bielik01 Thanks for reporting this.

To confirm is Hati still not showing as being owned in the store? And is the web tree still showing as being available to purchase from Reda? Can you also access Hati and the Web tree in game?

I can confirm that settlement packs appear to be moved to the 'Property' tab in the store if one of the items from the pack has been purchased from Reda. Can you check there to see if the Modern Day settlement pack is there.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@bielik01 Thanks for reporting this.

To confirm is Hati still not showing as being owned in the store? And is the web tree still showing as being available to purchase from Reda? Can you also access Hati and the Web tree in game?

I can confirm that settlement packs appear to be moved to the 'Property' tab in the store if one of the items from the pack has been purchased from Reda. Can you check there to see if the Modern Day settlement pack is there.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@bielik01 Thanks for the images provided. I have reported this to the Assassin's Creed Valhalla team to investigate.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@bielik01 Thanks for the images provided. I have reported this to the Assassin's Creed Valhalla team to investigate.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@bielik01 Thanks for the images provided. I have reported this to the Assassin's Creed Valhalla team to investigate.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @bielik01 thank you for your post.

Whilst this visual issue has been under investigation by our QA team, we believe this will be resolved in the next game update.

When the next update is made available to players, would you please let us know if this issue still occurs for you in-game and in Reda's shop?

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @bielik01 thank you for your post.

Whilst this visual issue has been under investigation by our QA team, we believe this will be resolved in the next game update.

When the next update is made available to players, would you please let us know if this issue still occurs for you in-game and in Reda's shop?

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @bielik01 thank you for your post.

Whilst this visual issue has been under investigation by our QA team, we believe this will be resolved in the next game update.

When the next update is made available to players, would you please let us know if this issue still occurs for you in-game and in Reda's shop?

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

@bielik01 You never know, in the future it may be, it is a pretty awesome looking decoration if I say so myself!

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

@bielik01 You never know, in the future it may be, it is a pretty awesome looking decoration if I say so myself!

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

@bielik01 You never know, in the future it may be, it is a pretty awesome looking decoration if I say so myself!

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there @bielik01!

Thanks for reaching out to us with an update. That's definitely strange. I just checked this out on my own console and I was able to see an indicator in the bottom-right corner that the Modern Day Settlement set belonged to the Modern Day pack (similar to the Knights of the Round Table set you show in your video). Are you still missing the indication of it being part of the Modern Day set?

I'll pass your report along to the development team in the meantime for them to take a closer look at. Have you only noticed this for the Modern Day set?

Regarding your Hati mount not showing as owned in the Store, despite being able to access the content, this issue should have been resolved in TU 1.3.1. Can you let us know if Hati now shows correctly as owned for you?

The development team are still investigating why some settlement decorations that have been purchased already (such as your Web Tree) show as available to buy at Reda's Shop. We don't yet have any updates to share regarding this investigation. I'd recommend keeping an eye out within the News & Announcements forum for any future updates regarding this issue.

Thanks! 😊

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Woofer - Direct link

Thanks for getting back to us, @bielik01. Just to confirm, is the full list of issues you're still encountering the following?

  • That Hati is not marked as owned when viewing the Berserker Pack, despite having been acquired as part of the Limited Content Pack
  • That the Web Tree was not marked as owned when looking to purchase it in Reda's store, despite already being owned as part of the Modern Day Settlement Set (may need a little bit of clarification on this one if I have misunderstood you!)
  • You're unable to view your purchase of the Modern Day Settlement Set in the Helix Store
  • The Modern Day Settlement Set does not show as part of the Modern Day Pack

Could you provide images or a short video clip showing the remaining issues, so that we can reopen any necessary investigations with the development team? Thank you! 🙂

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Woofer - Direct link

Thanks for the confirmations, @bielik01. To address each of your bullet points -

  • The issue with Hati not showing as owned when viewing the Berserker Pack couldn't be reproduced by the development team on TU 1.3.1. They require additional videos / reports in order to investigate further.
  • The issue with the Modern Day Settlement pack not appearing in your Animus Store is not one that we have seen any additional reports of. Referring to the third statement, can I just confirm that the overall issue is therefore that the pack itself is not available to purchase, as opposed to its contents not showing as owned?
  • The issue with the Modern Day Settlement Set not showing as part of the Modern Day Settlement Pack also could not be reproduced by the development team on the current live game environment; they'll require additional player reports and videos to reopen the investigation and take a deeper look into the issue as one that isn't potentially localised.

I've requested an update from the team nonetheless to see whether they have any advice for a workaround or any possible separate issues that could be causing these issues for you. I'll keep you updated with any news I receive. 🙂

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Thanks for sharing the thread created by @TheeElf regarding the Taranis pack, @bielik01. I can see that their report regarding the Taranis pack was forwarded to the development team for further investigation, and could not be reproduced following the release of TU 1.3.1. I've now reopened this investigation with your reports of the Modern Day set no longer showing as an available Settlement Pack after purchasing part of the set (the Web Tree) from Reda. if we require any additional information from you regarding the Modern Day Settlement Pack being unavailable to purchase from the Animus Store, we'll reach out to you within this thread.

The video you've linked appears to have been created before TU 1.3.1 was released. Would you be able to provide us with a new video that shows Hati doesn't show as owned in your Animus Store? In the video, please show that TU 1.3.1 has been installed on your platform by checking for the latest patch notes in the bottom right-hand corner of the main game menu. This will allow us to verify that the issue still persists for you following the release of TU 1.3.1, and we can reopen the investigation with the development team.

Thanks! 😊