Original Post — Direct link
The game continously stutters and lags, does anyone have a solution?
over 5 years ago - Sasha_JP - Direct link
Hey folks. Just letting you know that we're at Gamescom all week and I am typing this on my phone! We'll be back to being present in this space after the convention is over. In the meantime, most of your questions are likely to find good answers on Discord thanks to the support of our mods.
over 4 years ago - foodprinter - Direct link

Any CS tickets submitted so far?

over 4 years ago - Gneisenau013 - Direct link

Ahoy Fleet!

We're currently investigating stuttering and FPS inconsistencies while in port and in battle.

If you are submitting a support ticket, please include a WGcheck report.

I'll provide any updates on this thread as more information becomes available.


over 4 years ago - Gneisenau013 - Direct link

@Croda can you create a WGcheck report and submit it to the Support team so they can review it?

over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Hello Bennie.Bakvis! We can certainly try to help you with this.

Your system certainly looks capable to me, I would like to learn a bit more but I can offer you some accurate solutions.

- How long has this issue been affecting you for?
- Do you have any anti-virus, overlay or screen recording software installed?
- Have you tried launching both the DX11 and Vulkan version? If so, how do they both behave?

While I wait for you to get back to me, the following support article may help you: https://support.ubi.com/en-gb/faqs/000025947/

Thank you!

Please note: I removed the duplicate thread that you had, to try to keep things tidy
over 4 years ago - Gneisenau013 - Direct link

Did you submit a WGcheck report to the Support team via a ticket?

Also, sometimes the update files are damaged during download and installation.

If you perform a "check and repair" on the WGC launcher, it will correct any problems on the client.


about 2 months ago - Gomez - Direct link

Have you tried a lower resolution?

about 2 months ago - Gomez - Direct link
Is your setting 2 monitors or just one?
about 2 months ago - Gomez - Direct link
Do you use any of these programs After Burner or Riva-Tuner Statistics Server?
about 1 month ago - Gomez - Direct link
Originally posted by 2b7q1: Switching power plan from "balanced" to "high performance" helps but doesn't totally eliminate the stutters

Where did you choose such option?
about 1 month ago - Gomez - Direct link
Originally posted by simonhobnob: I have the GOG version of the game. A few months ago, I had played the campaign three times at higher difficulty levels without a single issue.

However, today, when I wanted to start a new game, the game has stutters on the first level every 20 or so seconds. It pauses, then continues as if nothing happened. This occurs if I am controlling units or moving the camera withhout anything selected.

I have a 7800X3D, 3070 and 32 gigs of ram,

The only difference is that I updated my drivers to the latest ones from Nvidia (and the Nvidia app) - after doing a DDU to remove the old.

I do no appear to have any issues with any of the other games I've played recently (Such as Mass effect legendry edition), Xcom2, Satisfactory,

I'm wondering if, as TAB hasn't been updated recently, if the driver updates (As Nvidia has introduced the new AI stuff and DLSS etc) is causing TAB to freak out slightly?


TAB has not been updated recently so something have been changed in your config for the game to start stuttering. Check if something has been change in the paremeters of your Nvidia software.
