Original Post — Direct link

Starting on May 9th, I have not been able to launch Anno 1800, either directly or via the EPIC Game launcher that I have used in the past or directly via Ubisoft Connect.
When attempting to launch the game, Ubisoft Connect launches/relaunches and prompts me to log in. Once the correct information has been entered, the following error message appears:
"An Epic Games service is unavailable at the moment. Please try again later." Text is in red.

Online research shows that there is likely an error occurring when Ubisoft Connect attempts to connect with Epic.
Both the Ubisoft and the Epic accounts have already been linked in the past.

The following steps have already been taken:
Restarting the computer
Launching Ubisoft Connect before launching Epic
Clearing the Ubisoft Cache
Un- and re-installing Ubisoft Connect
Un- and re-installing Epic Game Launcher
Reinstalling Anno 1800
Closing all non-Windows processes
Connecting to a different WiFi network
Deleting all RGB control programs on the machine

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link

Hey guys, thanks for getting through, welcome to our discussion forums and sorry to hear about the difficulty you ran into.

First and foremost, I've taken a closer look at your both accounts and just wanted to double-check whether you're contacting us from the account where you've attempted to launch the game from or is it in relation to another Ubisoft account instead?

If it does happen to be the case where you've attempted/had your game linked to this Ubisoft account you're reaching out from, so that we could try and tackle it for you, we'd need you to get through to us directly via one of the following channels, as it will involve discussing account related details:

  1. Support website
  2. Facebook: (https://en-gb.facebook.com/UbisoftSupport/)
  3. Twitter

Hope this helps and if you have any further queries, let us know!

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link

Thanks for your swift response @uglybugger and I have corrected the Twitter link, so appreciate the heads up! 🙂

It seems that you had some difficulties with linking your accounts, therefore in order to address this, have a look at the following article, try completing the steps mentioned and see if you're able to link it together. Should however issue persist, you will need to get through to us directly via one of the channels I shared links in my previous post.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link

Hey @Rixster82, thanks for reaching out, welcome to forums and sorry to hear you are affected by this as well.

After taking a closer look at your account, do mind that in order to be able to launch the game, you will need to have your Epic Games Account linked to Ubisoft account, therefore follow these steps to do so and if you are having difficulties, we have a separate article with some troubleshooting steps you can try.

Should however issue remain despite doing so, we will need you to get in touch with us directly via one of the channels I've quoted earlier:

  1. Support website
  2. Facebook: (https://en-gb.facebook.com/UbisoftSupport/)
  3. Twitter

Hope this helps and if you have further queries, feel free to get in touch at any time!

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey guys,

Thanks for your updates - for better visibility, I've marked Ubi-Karl's last response as Pinned.

Please refer to the above post on steps to check your accounts are linked and means to send us a direct message so we can look into this further with you if you're still having issues.

Thank you!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Ciel - Direct link

Hey @CremeExtreme and welcome to the Ubisoft Discussions!

I'm sorry to hear you were also experiencing this issue when launching games activated on Epic Games. I am however pleased to read that you found a workaround and shared it on our forums to help other players in your situation 😊

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Verse - Direct link

@spunkymahone2 Hi and welcome to the forums 😊

I understand that this process can be quite frustrating and I am sorry about that!

I have forwarded your feedback regarding this 🙂