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I am a French player so I want to apologize first of all for my English.

It's been a few months since I played the game. When I loaded my progress, I noticed that some numbers appear with a "?", in my old progession this has never happened to me. This concerns for example my balance, the health of the buildings... This bug may not seem very serious or annoying but, it bothers me a little I admit. Because of that, I can't tell how much money I have, how much money I can earn from my trade routes, the health of my boats when they are attacked...

I restarted a game to see if the bug disappeared, but no. I reinstalled the game, still not. I also changed the language of the game to English because the bug could be only in the French language, but the "?" is still there.
Can someone help me please? It's unfortunate that a "?" can ruin my desire to play the game. Haha 😂

Thank you.

Here is an example of the bug before launching a new progression. (start-up capital)

Here is another example of the bug I'm talking about in a new progression. (top left and bottom right)

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @GameOfTitan

Thanks for the images showing this and don't worry about your English at all, it's fine 🙂

Do you know when this started happening? And what you had just done before you noticed it happening?

As it may be linked to a certain patch or something you did in game that causes it, so it would be useful info for the team to know when we report this so they can try and reproduce it and find the cause.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @GameOfTitan

I understand, thanks. You can try just verifying the game files rather than a full reinstallation.

In Ubisoft Connect - Select "Properties" located underneath the "Play" button and then select "verify files"

If you still have an issue with it, could you upload your save files somewhere we can access them or send them to us through a support ticket / live chat here?

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey there @GameOfTitan,

No, we wouldn't need all of those folders.

Your save files are located in; Documents/ Anno 1800/ accounts/

We only need you to send us the impacted save file via a case, as linked by @Ubi-Froggard below.

Let us know how you get on with this!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Heya @GameOfTitan , thanks for coming back to us about this 🙂

I don't see any files from you quite at the moment, so it could be that you've not logged into your Ubisoft Connect account at the link to attach those files to this same account you're posting on the forums with.

However, I did have a quick question for you. Are you using Windows 11? If so, please be advised that we identified a relation between the issue and Windows 11, and we're working closely with Microsoft so it can be addressed at a later date. Due to the nature of the issue, we're unfortunately unable to provide any status updates on the problem ourselves.

If you are not using Windows 11, please let me know, as I'd certainly like to continue investigating in that case, and will periodically check for those files you've sent across 🙂

Let me know if I can clarify this at all!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-SleepyGoat - Direct link

Your english is fine @GameOfTitan! I find you easy to understand in all your posts.

As soon as we hear back about a possible fix for the bug you are seeing we can get this thread updated for you.

Thank you for your cooperation!