regional mail is of course NOT imported either
regional mail is of course NOT imported either
Hey there @hundreAd1800,
Could you share as much information as you can regarding the situation with us, please?
Hey there @hundreAd1800 , thanks for this further clarification.
The reason we've asked for further information in this case is that it seems like some of your initial post may be missing - it looks to have started mid-sentence, so we're unsure what is also not imported.
If we're unsure what the issue being reported is, we're not able to report it further. My apologies for the bother. If you can give us some examples of how the tooltips for local and regional mail are wrong, that would allow us to investigate. Let me know if I can clarify this further.
This is spot on, @hundreAd1800 - you're a star. I've gone ahead and reported this to the team.
@hundreAd1800 As our friend @Ubi-Thrupney confirmed, they went ahead and reported this issue to our investigation team. Any future updates will be communicated through our official channels.
@hundreAd1800 Understood !
The Issue has been reported to the relevant Team, and as soon as new information is available it will be posted on our official channels.
If you'd like to report other Issues, or have any questions, feel free to reach out once again !