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I think some of the bug has been there for more than a year, but there is no sign this is going to be fixed.
After consulted Thorlof, I will post it here:

1. Regarding the aspect ratio, whenever there is a quest about taking a photo, and if I am using 21:9 monitor
The photo will be stretched. There are two different stretches in two different places.
One is at the confirm screen, another when is at the publish screen.
Both of them stretched differently
The text inside the confirm the screen is also been stretched

I will try to provide screenshot when I got time, but maybe you can invoke camera function and show it using 3440x1440 resolution and you'll find the issue

2, Regarding extra loading time, this one I figured by myself, if you have lots of saved file inside the game, it will dramatically increase the loading time a lot, I have to wait for more than 5 minutes to load the game. (Played for more than 200 hours so you know how many save files I got)
Once you removed the saving files outside your profile folder, it started to work again.

3. I remember there is another instance when the photo has been stretched under 21:9 resolution, (when you drag and item from one ship to another ship, but I guess it has been fixed recently, but worth double check)
Thanks a lot for your help to look into these issues, really appreciated.
Best regards
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link
Hey, Wei!

Thank you for getting in touch about the issues that you have been having with ANNO 1800. Can we ask what troubleshooting you have done so far for any issues that are still happening for you?

Additionally can we ask that you verify your game files:

Thank you.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Hello again WeiTheSovereign!

Thank you for your reports, and I'm sorry we weren't able to get back to you when this thread was originally created.

I'm surprised we haven't seen any other reports of this issue, it certainly deserves an investigation.

Just in case we are unable to repro this ourselves, would it at all be possible to provide images or a video to present the issue to our QA team? Ideally we'd like to see how small the cursor is and to be shown that UI scaling does not make a difference.

We will still try to reproduce this ourselves, but anything you're able to provide would be much appreciated.

Thank you for your time!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Hey there,

Thank you for these images!

We'll pass them over to the team with your report for them to look into.

Just to confirm, you also see this when running on your 34" monitor as long as it's set to 4K resolution?
over 4 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link
Thank you very much for clarifying!

We have passed this onto the team for them to look into.

It's much appreciated!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by WeiTheSovereign
No problems Berry
Hopefully this can be adjusted
I have mentioned this one half a year ago on Discord too but it does not have too much changes, I guess the developer make this one as low priority
I think they might need to increase the priority level
Thank you once again for sharing this.

We have an update, we believe we may have been able to reproduce this but would it be possible to answer the following questions?

1. Did you connect your 4K display after launching the game or before?
2. Can you measure distance between your play place and the display?
3. Can you take a photo of the game on your 4k display while having the issue, in which the cursor will be next to any recognizable building, e.g. small warehouse?
4. Which display resolution do you have in Windows Display settings while having the issue?
5. Can you start the game while having only 4K display connected and say if the issue reproduced?

Many thanks